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 Yuki led them through the house, clinging to Sam as she enthusiastically dragged them into each room. 

        "And here's the living room! It's big, isn't it?" She walked past a large door toward the stairs, seemingly uninterested, but Mumbo stopped in front of it.

        "Hey, uh Yuki, what's in here?" He asked, and she turned, her smile remaining but the happiness behind it fading slightly. 

        "Oh, that's just my dad's work stuff. Pretty boring if you ask me." She whipped back around and began leading them all upstairs. Grian cast a look over to Mumbo and Taurtis, and they both nodded in understanding. Realizing their hesitation to move on, Yuki stopped at the top of the steps, and continuing to face forward, growled out, "I said, it's really boring in there. So come on." She commanded through her teeth, and they all rushed up the stairs behind her. Sam had seemingly unnoticed her now vicious tone, grabbing her hand and smiling. 

        "Come on Yuki, I wanna see the fun stuff. You know, like... your room." He suggested, and she perked up again. 

        "Oh! Ok!" She led them all down a hallway until reaching the last door, swinging it open and revealing the brightest pink room any of them had ever seen. She stepped inside, did a small twirl, and plopped down onto her bed as the boys took in the room. 

        "Wow Yuki, it's very... pink." Taurtis nervously tried, and Yuki laughed.

        "I know! Isn't it great!" Sam joined her on the bed, and the rest of the group began to feel the energy shift. Suddenly, Grian piped up.

        "You know what, why don't we leave you two alone for a bit. Uh, where's the bathroom?" He asked nervously, and she pointed down the hall.

        "Last door on the right!" All of them practically ran out of the room, shutting the door behind them. 

        "Alright, now let's go find the time machine." They all slowly shuffled their way down the steps, trying to stay as quiet as possible until finally, there were once again met by the visage of the large door. 

        "How do we open it?" Mumbo inquired, and Grian shrugged.

        "I don't know, maybe look around for a key somewhere? I'm sure they have one around here." Grian added, but Mumbo scrunched his face.

        "Why would they just leave a key around?"

        "I don't know! They're the Yakuza!"

         "So?!" The two hermits bickered a bit longer before they heard a click. They looked back at the door and saw Taurtis, holding the handle to the now open door.

        "Uh, I think it was unlocked. Unless I'm magic!" Taurtis decided, and the two hermits shook their heads in unspoken disappointment for a moment before turning their attention back to the open door. Stairs descended in front of them, and as they quickly looked to each other for who would go first, Grian sighed and reluctantly stepped onto the first step. It groaned loudly, and as they all flinched and waited for further movement, none was found. Grian continued down the steps until finally, they all reached the bottom. It was pitch black, and as he bumbled around in the darkness trying to get his barings, Grian bumped into something. Suddenly, he realized the absense of footsteps from his allies behind him, and as he placed his hands on whatever he had bumped into, he found a terrifying recognition in the texture. Fabric. Clothing. A person.

        "Rocco!" They called out, and suddenly, Grian was blinded. The lights were thrown on, and as his eyes adjusted, he understood why Taurtis and Mumbo's footsteps had stopped. Behind him stood two Yakuza, a large and a smaller one. The large one held Mumbo pinned against him, one hand over his mouth, the other holding a gun to his head. The smaller held the same position with Taurtis as Grian's brain registered what he was seeing. 

        "Honey!" The man he had bumped into called out, and a few moments later, Yuki stood at the top of the steps, Sam close in tow. "I think you may have misplaced your friends." He suggested, and she slowly descended the stairs. Grian's eyes flickered from Taurtis to Mumbo, both looking at him with terrified eyes. Finally, she reached the bottom and for the first time since coming here, her smile was non-existant.

        "This isn't the bathroom." 

  I really want to finish this book before school starts, but I was dumb and left all of my summer work to the last week and a half. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I know it's been a while. Also sorry this chapter is kinda boring, next chapter will be super fun if I ever get around to writing it. Anyway, thank you for reading. I hope you have a good day/night, and you are loved. 

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