Chapter 1

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3rd person POV

It felt like a normal day for y/n. The sun came up, he ate breakfast with the avengers, and then sat in his room reading and playing guitar for the rest of the day only coming out to eat, as he had a bathroom attached to his room. "Brother, give them a chance." y/n hear Thor's voice outside his door, "You don't have to fight with them but you will not hate them." Thor's brother? Y/n hadn't heard anything about Thor's brother unlike the other avengers. Y/n got up from his bed, stretching his sparrow wings. Y/n never told Tony about his abilities. He had 3 forms. A human form, a "angel" form with huge sparrow wings, and a bird form. Y/n turned back to his human form as he stood up from the bed. Walking to his door, he tucked in his circle necklace ,that had some sort of runes that he couldn't understand carved into it, under his f/c hoodie. He didn't want any of the other avengers seeing it in fear of them questioning what it was. 

Walking into the hallway, y/n walked towards the living area where the other avengers were, including another man with black hair that you assumed to be Thor's brother. Without even seeing his face y/n felt drawn towards him and didn't understand why. "S-sorry. Am I interrupting something?" y/n said nervously as he stepped further into the room. "No, of course not." Tony said in a calming voice, "actually, remarkable timing. This is Loki." Tony gestured at the black haired man who was standing next to thor. "He's Thor's brother. He's going to be living here. He is actually going to be in the room next to yours." Tony finished his sentenced and looked back to Loki. "Oh, w-well, I'm y/n." he said with a small smile and wave of his hand. Loki looked at him, staring into y/n's e/c eyes for a while before continuing. "It's a pleasure." Loki looked down after he finished, almost like he was debating if what he said was correct. 

Back in his room, y/n sang along to his Panic! At The Disco album. Laying on his bed he sang the words to LA Devotee perfectly. Tony opened the door expecting for y/n to notice him instantly. "Hey, kid." Tony raised his voice to be heard over the music, causing y/n to jump. "I need you to go with Loki to the library to see if you can find anything on-" Tony paused, thinking of what to cause those things. "snake like flying aliens? I don't know just look for stuff, keep yourselves busy." y/n nodded his head in acknowledgement, pulling himself off the bed. He walked toward his dresser, opening a smaller draw where he kept his armor that he made in secret. He didn't want to fight all the time but he wanted to be prepared if he was forced to. He picked up the small metal circle and placed it in the middle of his chest. The metal seemed to spread over his chest until he was protected.   He pulled on a f/c hoodie, forgetting about the necklace, and made his way to the library. 

Loki sat at the library alone, reading books as he waited for y/n. When y/n finally walked in, Loki cleared off the spot next to him, giving half of his book pile to y/n. They continued to read as the avengers fought, keeping the TV on incase something happens. 

Omg this seems so bad in my mind i'm sorryyyyy ;-; i'm not that good as writing longer stories but I don't like writing short stories that much

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