Chapter 5

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Y/n woke back up with the sun rising behind the trees. Loki was already awake and packed his stuff back into his bag. Y/n tamed his h/c hair and headed to where Loki was on the cliffside. "Do you want to head back now?" Loki questioned, keeping his eyes fixed on the horizon. Y/n nodded before realizing Loki couldn't see him. "yea." They both started packing their stuff. 

Back at the facility 

Tony called Thor, Bucky and Steve to the kitchen as he made his own breakfast. "Has anyone seen Loki or y/n?" Tony said with worry lacing his words. Everyone shook their heads. Tony sighed, he was getting more worried by the minute. "Tony. Do you want us to go look for them?" Steve said, his voice was calming and gentle as he tried to help Tony. Tony nodded his head as he looked down at the food he was making. "Bucky, check the west side of the forest. Thor check the east, and I'll check the north. If we don't find them within the hour, meet back at the facility and we will talk it over. Tony, you can check the south, if you're up for it." Tony nodded his head and headed towards his room, breakfast in hand. All of the avengers headed in the direction that Cap gave them. 

At the cliffside

Loki helped y/n pack his stuff and they headed towards the facility, ready to be questioned by the others. Both of them had their bags thrown over their shoulders as they navigated through the trees, Loki leaded as he knew the forest better than y/n. The two weren't expecting anyone else to be out there, everyone stayed in the facility most of the time, except Loki and now y/n, but they heard footsteps coming towards them. Y/n looked to Loki to see if it concerned him. Loki looked confused but continued moving forward. The last thing they were expecting was Bucky to approach them with his normal strict expression, but this time there was a hint of concern. "Where were you guys? Tony was worried, Thor, not so much." Bucky looked to Loki when he finished his sentence. "Whose idea was this?" Bucky's expression changed and he looked more concerned about the two boys. "It was both of ours." Y/n said as Loki looked down at him, their camping stuff still on their backs. Bucky shock his head and turned around, Loki and y/n followed him as he walked from where he came from. "I got them." Bucky said as he turned his earpiece on. 

When they got back to the facility, they were met by Tony, Steve and Thor. "You guys should give them some freedom." Bucky said to the avengers that were at the facility's door as he gestured for the boys to pass them.  Both of them did as they were told and headed to their rooms. "If you gave them freedom maybe they wouldn't do this?" Bucky crossed his arms as he talked to Tony. "He does have a point." Steve stated as he looked towards Tony. Tony sighed and looked to the ground briefly before looking back up at Bucky. "Yea." Tony stated sarcastically as he turned around to go back inside. Bucky shook his head and headed inside with Thor and steve.

Y/n put his stuff away and sat on his bed, waiting for Tony to walk in and talk to him again. After a few minutes, y/n locked his door and opened up his wings. Normally he would do this every morning to make sure they don't get sore, but he was woken up by Tony the first day and he spent the night with Loki camping so he couldn't. Y/n laid down on his bed, his wings stretched over the sides of his bed as he laid there. He put on his headset and started listening to his music. 

One hour later

Y/n turned off his music as he sat up. Setting his headphones on the end table as he folded his wings back into his body. He never understood how they worked. It was liked they weren't there when they were folded closely to his back, no one could see or touch them. Y/n opened his door and headed towards the kitchen to grab something to eat.

Y/n was expecting to be the only one in the kitchen as it was almost 10am, but he ran into Loki. He wasn't that surprised as both of them were together and didn't eat breakfast before Bucky found them. Y/n was only going to grab an apple but Loki seemed to has two plates of toast and eggs. He pushed one of the plates towards y/n. As y/n grabbed the plate, Loki started walking towards the living room area, gesturing for y/n to follow him. Y/n followed the god. Both of the sat on the couch with their food. Loki put about a foot of distance between both of them, but y/n didn't know why, it wasn't like they were strangers or anything. The god handed y/n the remote, telling him to choose something to watch. Y/n scrolled through Netflix as Loki watched. Eventually, he settled on Queer Eye, even though he has watched it before a while back. Loki gave the mortal a strange look at first but watched the show anyways.  (A/N: i swear i don't have a Queer Eye addiction)

After 4 episodes

The boys watched the show for a while, even though they didn't have anymore food left. Loki thought the show was strange at first, but soon warmed up to it and found that he enjoyed it. When the other guys came up from training they walked in front of the TV and gave questioning looks to the boys. Y/n only gave a glare towards the avengers who were blocking the screen while Loki waved his hand, gesturing for them to move. I knew he liked the show after half of an episode but damn. Y/n thought as he looked to the god, who looked proud of himself for getting them out of the way. 

1 season later

After one season, y/n somehow made it to the other couch that was to the left of Loki's. Y/n took up the whole couch as he laid on it and didn't plan on sharing it at all. His phone was discarded on the end table that was near his feet. Y/n's phone soon went off. The sound of his text tone caused him to raise him head before dropping it back onto the arm of the couch. "Lokiiiiiiiii." Loki looked to the mortal with a confused expression, but deep down he knew what was coming and didn't plan on helping, he was the god of mischief after all. "I need my phoneeee." Loki continued staring at the h/c boy. "Than get it?" Loki said, more like a question than a statement. Y/n gave Loki a glare as he sat on the couch. "Motivate me thannn." Y/n complained more, hoping it would annoy the god enough so he would get it. Loki smirked a bit, "You'll never accomplish anything in your life, you are weak." Loki said, looking proud of himself. "Yup." Y/n said as he sank farther into the couch, still not making an attempt to grab his phone. "No, that's-that's not what I meant." Loki looked to y/n with a worried but confused look. After a few seconds, the god gave up. "fine." Loki reached over to the end table and grabbed y/n's phone, tosing it towards him, making sure not to hit him too hard. "Thank you, Loki." Y/n smiled as he opened his phone. 

Tony had messaged y/n.  "You should probably stop watching that show of yours." Y/n read the message. "why?" Y/n responded. "Maybe because you are a whole season in and it has only been a day?" Y/n signed and responded with a simple "fine" instead of trying to fight with Stark. Y/n sighed and put his phone down on the couch as he sat up. Looking towards Loki, y/n said "Tony wants us to stop watching Queer Eye." Loki also sighed, but grabbed the remote and turned the show off. Y/n checked the time on his phone. "Its 4pm." Loki didn't looked surprised from that statement. Both of them made a simple dinner and headed back to their own rooms. 

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