Chapter 3

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y/n woke up the next day tired. He didn't fall asleep until midnight and woke at 5 in order to have time to eat before a day of more studying. Y/n sat up from his bed and stretched his body. Standing up, he grabbed his hoodie. Tucking his necklace under his hoodie, he walked out of the room and to the kitchen to grab breakfast.  He decided on a simple breakfast. An apple and toast. He would probably be eating again later anyways. 

Loki and y/n made their way back down to the library. The avengers had defeated the last threat but they wanted them to study in case there were any new threats. Loki thought otherwise, as he suggested that they go back to the lake instead,but they both agreed to study for a while then go down. They worked on computers this time, hoping to get it done faster.

After 30 minutes of working, y/n and Loki came up with nothing. "It has been 30 minutes and we've found nothing. They didn't even give us anything to look for." Loki said, annoyed. Y/n sighed and closed the computer. Loki didn't think twice about what that subtle sign meant and stood up and headed towards the door, y/n following suite. 

 Loki and y/n walked their normal route to get to the lake, until Loki took a different turn into more woods. He looked back to y/n, most likely making sure he was still there. "Here." Loki seemed to know his way around the woods pretty well as he made a direct route through the trees. When the trees cleared they found themselves in a small clearing on the edge of a cliff leading to the ocean. "wow." was all y/n could manage. Loki smirked, seeming pleased with himself. Loki walked toward the edge of the cliff where there was a rock formation about 6 feet from the edge. Loki sat down in front of the rock, leaning back on the hard surface. Y/n followed, sitting on Loki's left. A smaller pile of books sat between the two of them. Picking up one of the books, they both started reading. 

By the time Loki put his book down it was almost sunset. The spot that he chose just so happened to face the sunset. He had been looking for this place for the past two days, hoping that y/n would like it. He didn't care to admit it it anyone, especially to his brother, but his feelings have started to grow for the mortal. He started out just being next to him to study to showing him new spots to read. Loki grabbed the book the y/n was reading, putting the bookmark in and placing it back in the pile. When y/n looked to Loki, wondering what he was doing, he simply gestured towards the skyline. "woah" Y/n was shocked to see the rainbow of colors that illuminated the sky around the setting sun. 

As the sunset ended and the moon was now in the sky, the two headed back to the facility, hoping not to be caught and questioned by Tony or Thor. Fortunately, neither of the two were there, leaving y/n to wonder where they actually were if they weren't waiting for the two boys. As y/n worried, Loki continued walking. It was only when Loki turned to glance at y/n that he noticed the worry spreading across his face. "What's wrong?" Loki seemed worried, to the point that he walked in front of y/n causing him to stop. There was still a 2 foot gap between the boys as Loki questioned y/n. "It's just...If Tony and Thor aren't waiting for us...where are they?" Y/n looked down as he finished telling Loki what was on his mind. "I'm sure they are fine. Once we get inside we can make sure. Deal?" y/n nodded, accepting Loki's deal. 

When the two got inside they looked for the two avengers. Both of them rounded the corner to get towards their bedrooms to see Tony at y/n's door and Thor at Loki's. Both Loki and y/n sighed as they walked towards their rooms. "See. I told you that you have nothing to worry about." Loki smirked a bit before they both followed the avenger into their own room. 

Both of them were asked where they were so late at night. Both of them lied saying they were at the lake. Neither of them wanted the avengers to know about their secret hideout out of the cliffside. They wanted to keep it to themselves so if they needed space from the avengers, they could go there, where only one other person knows.

After Tony and Thor were done scolding the boys for the second time this week, Loki made his way over to y/n's room, knocking on the door before opening it. Y/n was sitting on the edge of the bed in front of a chair that he assumed Tony was sitting in before that. The chair was farther away from the bed, which was strange seeing as Tony was scolding him. "So, did you tell them where we actually were." Loki asked in a low voice as he sat in the chair. "No. I want to keep that between us. For now." Y/n answered as he looked to Loki from his bed. Loki smiled and nodded his head, looking down as he sighed. "It is probably for the best that they don't know." Y/n nodded showing Loki that he agreed. 

A few minutes past with both boys not doing anything but sitting where they were. Loki stood, heading for the door due to the late time. He reached for the door knob, but before doing so he turned back to y/n. "Goodnight, y/n." Loki said, smiling softly as he did so. After y/n turned to smile back at him, Loki left to his own room and laid on his bed, watching the ceiling while he replayed the day back in his head.  

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