Chapter 14

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The days past as Y/n spent most of his time in his room or talking with some of the team. Loki would find his way into the conversations every so often. Y/n woke up and made his way to the kitchen, where the rest of the team was as they got their breakfasts. "Hey guys." Y/n stated, still tired from having just woken up. Steve looked up from his spot leaning against the counter. "Morning, y/n." He stated before talking about the topic they were talking about before. 

Loki walked into the kitchen where the team was, leaning against the door frame for a bit before walking up behind y/n, letting his arms fall around the shorter, mortal boy, claiming him from the rest as he gave Stark a short glare. Loki knew that Stark still didn't approve of him 100%, but also didn't really care. He wasn't planning on letting a mortal with a suit keep him from his soulmate. "Hey, Loki, you want to go back to Asgard for the day?" Thor asked, moving his gaze to his brother. Loki glanced down at the mortal, who he still had his arms around, before looking back to his brother, silently asking if he could bring him. Thor gave the younger god a short nod before verbally responding. "You can come too if you want, y/n." Y/n looked up at the mention of his name, somewhat shocked to be given the opportunity. "I'm sure mother would love to meet your soulmate, brother." Thor said as he looked to his brother, slightly tilting his head, signalling that it was more of a question than a statement. Loki nodded before moving his gaze to the mortal. Y/n only nodded, not having the words to answer the gods. Loki looked to Stark one last time before moving to get some food, seeing that he wasn't impressed by the move he and his brother had pulled. 

After the 3 of them ate, Loki and y/n made their way to their own rooms to get ready to leave. Loki put on his Asgardian clothes (Thor: TDW) while y/n put on Loki's hoodie, along with a black denim jacket and some black jeans along with his black boots, trying not to look too formal, but also be comfortable for the day.  Loki and y/n met Thor outside the facility, ready to use the bifrost to travel to the other realm.

Thor walked in front of Loki and y/n as they walked down the rainbow bridge towards the castle. Y/n stared in awe at the sight of the golden castle in front of them. Loki looked down at the mortal beside him, lifting his arm to rest it on the mortal's shoulders, gently pulling him closer to his side as they walked. Thor glanced back at the pair as he continued walking forward, smiling slightly as he saw his brother with his soulmate. 

Loki, Thor and y/n were met by Frigga when they entered the castle. Y/n watched from behind Loki and Thor as they greeted each other. "Hello, Mother." Loki said, pulling out of his mother's arms as he stood in front of her. Frigga raised Loki's hand, running her finger over the metal ring before looking back at the mortal who was still standing behind Loki. "You've met your soulmate." Frigga stated and she looked back to her son, smiling as she did so.  Loki looked down at the ground as he smiled before he stepped to the side, putting a hand on y/n shoulder as he he looked back to his mother. "This is y/n." Loki stated, looking down at the mortal at his side. Frigga smiled as she looked at the mortal, she knew that the mortal would pass before Loki did, but she was still happy that her son had found his soulmate. 

Loki, y/n and Thor followed Frigga as she guided them through the hallways of the castle. She told y/n about some history of Asgard as they walked. She stopped them in the middle of 4 hallways and turned back to them. "There is one thing about you, y/n. I can't understand what it is." Frigga stated, causing Loki to glance from his mother to his soulmate before remembering what she was sensing. Y/n sighed before moving back behind Thor and Loki. He lowered his head as he allowed his wings to show themselves. Frigga stood in awe for a few seconds before moving her hand slightly forwards. "May I?" She asked before moving her hand any further. Y/n gave a small nod, moving his right wing forwards as Frigga admired the feathers. Y/n looked to Loki as he did so, the god giving him a small smile that he returned. Frigga took a step back before speaking again. "You boys should go off and do your own things too." She suggested as he turned to walk the other way. Loki gestured for y/n to follow him down one of the hallways. Y/n followed as he folded his wings back, causing them to become invisible again. 

Loki guided the mortal to a garden outside the castle. A small, stone pathway leaded to a small grass area with a bench. Loki sat on the white, stone bench as y/n sat beside him. The two looked over the realm from their spot in the garden. The colorful flowers and plants surrounded them as the sun beamed down on them. Y/n watched as Loki let his eyes close, falling deep into his own thoughts. The mortal moved his body closer to the god, pulling him out of his thoughts as he head rested on Loki's shoulder. Loki glanced down at the mortal by his side before he rested his head on y/n's, drifting back into his thoughts as he did. 

Loki pulled himself out of his thoughts, raising his head and shift his body a bit away from the mortal. Y/n looked up at Loki from the sudden movement, shifted his body to mirror the god's as they faced each other. Loki focused his gaze on y/n's eyes, trying his best to make out the outcome of his thoughts. Loki shifted his weight from his right arm to his left, leaning slightly forward as he allowed his hand to rest on y/n's jaw. Loki allowed his eyes to move from y/n's eyes to his lip, allowing his thumb to trace the bottom of his lips before letting them return to their former position. The god moved his gaze back to meet the mortal's eyes again before giving in to his mind, allowing himself to lean forward more, his eyes falling closed as he did so. He let his head tilt to the side as he lips ghosted over the mortal's, mentally waiting for y/n to move first, but eventually pushing back his thoughts of doubt. Loki allowed himself to move forward slightly more, allowing his lips to finally connect with the mortal's and he let his thumb move over his skin. 

Y/n allowed his lips to move with Loki's after pushing his thoughts of what Tony would say, knowing that a soulmate is a soulmate, his right hand eventually making it's way to Loki's side. Y/n felt the sun rays landing on his skin as Loki pulled his head slightly back, resting his forehead on y/n's, his hand still resting in the same spot. Loki only pulled farther back when he heard footstep approaching the garden. Loki turned his head as Thor walked into the garden. "We should head back soon." Thor said, directing it to both of them before he turned to his brother. "You should talk to father though. You can't hide this from him forever, and you can't change soulmates." Thor stated gently before he started to turn back to walk out of the garden. "I'll meet you two at the Bifrost."  He stated as he left. Loki turned his head to face y/n before gesturing slightly for them to leave.

Y/n followed behind Loki as he guided them through the castle. Loki stopped in front of the doors before turning back to face y/n. "I should talk to Odin." He said softly as he looked to the mortal. Y/n only nodded knowing that he should tell him. Loki walked away from the doors, gesturing for the mortal to follow him. Y/n followed Loki into the throne room, staying behind Loki as they walked up to Odin. Loki spoke when they got close enough to the throne. "This is y/n." Loki stated, pausing as he laid a hand on y/n's shoulder again before turning back towards the All-father. "He's my soulmate." Loki said, his pride out weighing his fear as he spoke. Loki waiting a few seconds for a response, that he didn't receive. Loki sighed, lowering his head as he turned, placing his other hand on the mortal's shoulder, guiding him forward. "I am happy for you, son." Loki heard Odin's voice, causing him to raise his head up. "Take care of him." Odin finished his statement quietly as Loki turned his head. Loki watched as Odin gave a small nod from the throne, giving him permission to leave.

Loki and y/n met Thor at the Bifrost after they left the castle. "You spoke with father?" Thor questioned as the two moved closer. Loki gave his brother a small nod and smile as he passed him. The 3 of them returned to Earth, the sun was starting to set as they walked into the facility. Loki and y/n went to their own rooms, changing into more comfortable clothing. Y/n sat on his bed, sitting "criss-cross" towards the top of his bed with around a foot of space between him and the pillows. His sketch pad was resting on his knee as he let the pencil move over the paper, sketching out the Asgardian castle in a rough draft. Y/n glanced up when he heard his door open, looking up as Loki closed the door behind him. Y/n gave the god a small smile as he went back to his drawing. Loki sat behind y/n as he sketched, letting his arms slide around y/n's waist as his head rested on his shoulder, admiring how he sketched the castle from memory. 

Loki leaned his head into the mortal's neck, remembering the lyrics that he sang before. Softly singing the lyrics as he watched his soulmate drawing. 

A/N: This was writing while I was tired, therefore, I have dubbed it "The Sleep Deprived Chapter" Let me know what you think ^^ 

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