Chapter 12

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~~a few days later~~

Loki had been up most of the night, planning pranks for the others, as he was the god of mischief. It was 30 minutes to 3 in the morning when he decided to drag y/n into it as well. Loki made his way over to y/n's room, making sure not to wake up the rest of the team as he did so. The god walked into the dark room and walked over to the sleeping mortal. He gently shook y/n awake, earning him a glare in return for waking him up in general. "What the hell, Loki." Y/n said as he sat up in his bed. Loki only smirked in return, signaling that he was plotting something. "What time is it?" Loki sat on the bed as he answered the boy. "Almost 3am." The god's answer earned him another glare for the early time. "Want to prank some people?" Loki suggested his plan as he tilted his head to the side, waiting for the mortal's response. "I like the sound of that." Y/n gave a small smile as he agreed with the god. Loki gave y/n his plans, telling him that they would need to set Steve's, Sam's and Bucky's pranks up first because they always got up at an ungodly hour of day.

Loki set up the easier pranks, Sam and Steve, while y/n was sent to start on Bucky's. Y/n set plastic cup on the floor of Bucky's room, slowly filling each and every cup with cold water. Being as quiet as he could, he eventually filled the whole room within the hour, with Loki joining in about 20 minutes in. Loki and Y/n closed Bucky's door silently as they walked back into the hallway, leaving the cups for Bucky to deal with in the morning. "Want to get the spiderling's phone?" Loki suggested as they both headed towards his room. Y/n nodded as he slowly opened Peter's door. His phone was sitting on the table of his room, making it an easy target. Once y/n had the phone, he made his way out, handing the device to Loki as he closed the door behind him. "And what do you think you're doing?" The two heard Tony's voice from behind them. "Ever check a calendar? It's April 1st." Y/n said, turning around to face Stark as he spoke, Peter's phone still in his hands. Tony's expression changed to a slight bit of concern, seeing that the god of mischief was standing in front of him on April Fools Day. "We won't get you, but we can't undo what we have already done." Loki said from y/n's side, a smirk forming on his face as he finished speaking. Tony only shook his head as he walked away from the pair.

Loki and y/n sat in the living area, Peter's phone completely wrapped in rubber bands and would take a while for him to get off, given that he didn't have a knife. "We are so getting Stark." Loki said as he handed the rubber band covered phone to the mortal beside him. Y/n nodded in agreement as they both made their way back to Peter's room, y/n setting the phone back in place for Peter to deal with in the morning. Both of them made their way to Tony's office, hoping that he wasn't in there at the moment, and hoping he wasn't going to be anytime soon. Fortunately, Tony wasn't, giving them time to set the pranks. The two started wrapping as much of Tony's stuff in duct tape, including the scissors, before 5am, hoping to have a front row seat to watch everything in the tower go to hell. After they finished wrapping most of his stuff, they put sticky notes over everything, or as much as they could before their deadline. After everything was done, they set smaller pranks for the rest of the avengers, including wrapping mjolnir in cling wrap, being careful not to wake him up as they set the smaller scale prank. 

After everything was set, y/n and Loki set themselves in the kitchen, sitting at the table acting somewhat innocent. After a few minutes of waiting around, they heard that Bucky had woken up. "What the hell?" The two heard the soldier yell from his room. Y/n and Loki both made their way to his room, opening the door to find a quite angry Bucky on his bed. The two only smirked at the soldier's glare. "Oh, you are so dead after this." Bucky threatened the pair from his spot on the bed. "Oh, how ever will you do that?" Loki questioned how Bucky was going to get out of his room as he started to step back, leaving the door open in front of him. They both heard Steve's and Sam's pranks go off as they headed back to their position. They were soon met by Steve and Sam walking into the kitchen. "How did you even get a bird in my room?" Sam questioned as the two sat there. Y/n was also wondering the same thing as he looked to the falcon, who had a little bit of anger growing. "Whatever do you mean?" Loki said, quite sarcastically, as he looked to both Steve and Sam, earning an eye roll from Sam. "On a different topic, where is Bucky? He's normally up." Steve questioned from behind Sam as he noticed that he hasn't seen his friend. "Oh, he's up." Y/n said gesturing towards Bucky's room, causing Steve to go check on him. 

Steve pushed Bucky's slightly open door revealing the room covered in cups of water, with Bucky in the center of them all. "Yea, you're gonna have to deal with that yourself." Steve stated as he laughed a bit, walking away from the door to join the other's in the kitchen again. Loki and Y/n continued to wait for the rest of the Avengers to wake up. Soon enough, Peter walked into the room, his rubber band covered phone in hand. "Good morning, Spiderling." Loki said, not bothering to notice the phone. "Why?" Peter questioned the god as he gestured the phone towards him. Both of them sat there for the morning, waiting for each Avenger to wake up to their prank. Eventually, Bucky made it out of his room, causing Loki and y/n to head to the cliffside after hearing Steve yell, suggesting that they run. The two were already in the woods by the time Bucky got outside, giving them a clean getaway from the super soldier.

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