Chapter 7

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Y/n woke up the next morning to light beaming into his room. The light blinded him as he laid in bed. As y/n rolled over to avoid the light of the sun, he opened his eyes, planning on getting up soon anyways. He looked around his room, making sure that no one was there just in case. Everything was in its place and everything looked normal with the rest of his room, until he looked to his end table. On the end table sat a black pullover hoodie, folded neatly with a note on top. Y/n straight up on his bed, his attention now focused on the hoodie. He grabbed the note as he rubbed the sleepiness from his eyes. Thought you may want this~Loki  Y/n's eyes moved from the note to the hoodie and back, with a small smile on his face, before deciding to get up to get ready. Y/n chose worn black jeans, a Panic! At The Disco shirt and combat boots. Before walking out the door, he walked back to the hoodie and note. Puting the note in the draw of his end table, he put the hoodie on. Y/n smiled a bit before finally leaving his room.

Loki had woken up earlier than usual. He had already eaten and watched some TV in the living area before y/n had even woken up. He was just about to move to his room to read his book when y/n walked into the room. He paused once he saw that Loki was there already. Loki only smiled slightly as y/n stood there in his hoodie. Seeing that y/n didn't know how to break the silence, Loki made the decision to break it himself without a second thought. "Want to go to our place? After you eat of course." Loki offered as he stood up, turning the TV screen off and placing the remote back in its spot. Y/n nodded as he looked as Loki. The hoodie was big on him, causing the sleeves to be bunched up and cover his hands slightly. Loki never bothered getting changed from his normal hoodie and sweatpants, unless he needed to, so they were ready to leave. Y/n only grabbed an apple at first, earning him a disapproving look from the god. Loki made him toast with his apple so he would have a better first meal. Once y/n finished, they left for the cliffside. 

Loki and y/n talked in between their readings as they sat against the rock on the edge of the cliff. As the hours past, conversation became more frequent. The two talked about random stuff, such as midgard traditions and asgard traditions, before deciding to get food for lunch from the closest place. How am I going to tell him? Loki sighed as he thought of the connection between him and the mortal, causing y/n to look over at the god of mischief. Loki shook his head, not wanting to share his thoughts with the person his thinking of. 

When the sun began to set and the sky darkened, both boys marked their page and set the books down. Loki lead them through the woods, even though y/n knew the way by now. The facility was dark and all the lights were off except the ones on the outside. Both of the boys knew that it was bad news from the moment they walked out of the treeline. Stark was the only one that was waiting this time. Y/n lowered his head as they both walked up to Tony. Tony didn't say anything as he turned around and walked into the building, knowing that y/n knew what he wanted him to do. Loki walked into his room, planning on checking on the mortal after Stark was done being paranoid. Y/n followed Stark into his own room as he saw Loki go into his. Y/n sat down on his bed per usual. "So, where were you?" Stark asked his normal question. "We went down to the lake they we always do." Tony only shook his head as he looked down at the floor. "I know you weren't at the lake, y/n. I went down there a few hours ago and you were nowhere to be seen. So tell me again, where were you?" All color drained from y/n face as he heard what Stark said. Tony looked up from the ground when he didn't get an answer. "W-we were only walking through the woods for a while after." Y/n stuttered as he came up with the lie. Tony shook his head in disapproval. "Why are you always with him? You know what he's done and you know how dangerous he is. What, now you're wearing his hoodie? Yea, I saw the note." Tony didn't let the boy answer before he left.

Loki heard the door of y/n's room close after Tony became quiet. Anger started to rise in the god, but he controlled it. He knew that y/n wouldn't want anything to happen to Tony, even if he deserved it. Loki stood up and headed to y/n's room. He stood outside the door before finally knocking. After a few seconds of silence, he opened the door. Y/n sat on his bed with his legs crossed like he was in elementary school. He had the hood of Loki's hoodie up as he clung to the fabric. Loki pulled the chair over from the corner, placing it in front of the mortal. Y/n raised his head to look at the god that sat in front of him, revealing the tears that began to form in his e/c eyes due to Tony. Loki, trying to focus the topic on something other than Stark, reached his hand for the string that hung around the boy's neck. The leather slid over his hand as he revealed the metal, two ringed necklace. Y/n kept his eyes focused on the god, who was still a good foot away from him. Loki smiled as he read his own name on the metal. "This is special you know. Keep it safe." Loki said as he let go of the metal, causing the necklace to fall back into place on top of his hoodie.

I cant see him like this anymore. Loki thought as he made a final decision. Knowing this could end either great or horrible, he stood up. As he moved to the side of the bed that faced the window, he felt the mortal's eyes follow his every move. He sat on the edge of the bed, turning his head so he could see y/n. "Come here." Loki said softly as he placed his hand of the bed beside him. Y/n moved over, keeping the same position as he sat next to the god. "I want to show you something." Loki said as he sighed. He pulled out his own necklace with one hand and y/n's with the other. He placed each necklace in the palm of his hands. He put both palms up, with the necklaces resting on each one. Slowly, he moved his palms closer together, until the necklaces moved to each other. Loki grabbed the connected metal with both hands. He twisted the metal until the outer rings seemed to move freely. Loki moved his hand under the metal, catching the inner piece as it fell. Loki took off his own necklace before taking off y/n's. He removed the leather string from the permanently connected metal, revealing two metal, thick banded rings. "These necklaces are given to every god." Loki explained to the mortal. "They determine soulmates for each god. Mostly gods get other gods or goddesses as their soulmate, but sometimes gods get mortals as theirs. Most that get mortals don't find them." Loki handed y/n one of the rings as he put his own on. Y/n slid the ring over his finger, it fit perfectly on him as did Loki's. 

Y/n looked as his ring before looking up to Loki. Loki smiled slightly, hoping that this would end well. Y/n moved closer to the Loki who sat beside him, folding his own body against the gods. Loki didn't give it a second thought before moving his arm to hold the mortal closer to him. The two sat on the bed, watching the trees sway outside the window. "You have to sleep tonight, as do I." Loki said as h looked down at the boy beside him. Y/n nodded, shifted his body weight so he was sitting up again. Loki stood up as did y/n. Loki moved closer, wrapping his arms around the mortal boy, his mortal. He held y/n close, not planning on letting anyone hurt him, before letting go and leaving to his own room for the night, knowing that Stark would be mad if he caught him with y/n. 

Loki found himself unable to sleep after a few hours. He decided that a walk around the facility may bore him enough for him to sleep. The god wandered around the complex, stopping at the kitchen to get a glass of water before heading back to his room. He thought everything would be fine and he would be able to get some sleep in before the sun rose in 5 hours. As Loki walked he heard y/n turning and crying in his sleep. Loki opened the door to y/n's room, not planning on letting a nightmare hurt his mortal either.

A/N: Sorry for the updating in a while, I will be updating more often since I technically graduated so I don't HAVE to go to classes XDD Definitely updating tomorrow though ^^

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