Chapter 11

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Y/n was in his room sketching for most of the day, as he did most days. He only left his room to get food or get a drink, otherwise, he was just drawing. He was working on one picture that he was hoping to give Loki himself, instead of Thor taking it. It was a few hours since noon when y/n finally put the pad down again to get something to eat and drink. He got up from his bed, placing his sketch pad and sharpened pencil on the bed where he was just sitting. 

Y/n passed the living area as he made his way to the kitchen, the team was all watching some show together, which wasn't extremely surprising to him. Y/n got himself a glass of water and an apple to eat before someone probably made dinner in a few hours. Y/n grabbed what he needed and started to head back to his room, wanting to finish his drawing. He was hoping to ask Loki to go to the cliffside to give him the drawing there. Y/n took a quick glance towards the avengers, noticing one detail, Loki wasn't there. Loki wasn't the type to seek out time with the Avengers, but Thor normally would drag him out of his room anyways.

Y/n set his apple and glass on the table beside his bed and quickly made his way to the room next to his, ignoring the sketch pad that was left open on his bed. Y/n slowly opened Loki's door without bothering to knock. The room was dark and the shades were pulled shut, blocking out most of the light from outside. Y/n was able to make out Loki as he sat on his bed, his legs were crossed and pulled close to him, his left elbow was on his leg as he pinched the bridge of his nose. The god kept his eyes down, focused on the bed in front of him, as he felt y/n's presence next to him. Loki let his hand fall into his lap as he looked over y/n, who was now kneeling beside the bed. "What's wrong, Lokes. You look like crap." Y/n said, trying to brighten Loki's mood a bit. "Headache." was all he responded with. Y/n placed the back of his hand on Loki's head, feeling for a fever. Loki watched as the mortal's expression changed from pure concern, to some confusion. "What is it?" Loki questioned as he studies y/n's expression carefully. "I thought gods can't get sick?" Y/n replied, moving his hand from the god's head.

Y/n left Loki's room to get Thor and tell him that Loki was sick. Y/n never normally bothered Thor, but at this point, he didn't know what to do exactly. Y/n walked into the living area, leaning slightly against the wall. "Thor, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I need your help." Thor gave y/n a slightly confused look as he walked into the hallway connecting to the living area. "What is it?" Thor questioned as they both stood in the hallway. "Loki is....sick?" Y/n said, his confusion laced his words as he spoke. "What do you mean?" Thor leaned against the wall as he spoke. "He said he has a headache and he has a fever." Thor sighed as he moved away from the wall and started walking towards his own room after calling back for y/n to get a cold, damp towel for Loki.

Y/n met Thor, who was carrying some sort of drink, in the hallway on his way to Loki's room. "Tell Loki to drink this, he might actually listen to you." Thor instructed, handing y/n the small glass. Y/n gave Thor a small nod before moving to Loki's room. Y/n walked into Loki's room, which was still dark, and placed the towel on his forehead in an attempt to bring his temperature down to his normal. "Drink." Y/n handed Loki the glass that Thor had given him. Y/n started walking towards the door as Loki drank the liquid from the glass cup, when he heard Loki's voice. "Where are you going?" Loki asked softly from his spot on his bed. "I'm getting something to do. You don't really think that I would leave you like that, right?" Y/n said as he gestured to Loki's state on the bed, earning a small laugh and a shrug from the sick god. 

Y/n came back to Loki's room with his sketch pad and a few of his books. Y/n set the books on the ground as he sat on the end of the bed, the closed sketch pad laying on his lap. Y/n pulled his legs up onto the bed as Loki slid himself from a sitting position to laying down on his bed. Loki watched y/n draw for a few minutes before asking the question that was running through his mind. "So, what are you drawing?" Loki questioned the mortal about the sketch pad that Thor had shown him. Y/n looked down at the unfinished picture, a sketch of Loki at the cliffside with the sun shining off the water in front of him. "You'll know soon enough, Lokes." Y/n continued drawing, knowing that the god didn't like his answer much. 

Soon enough Loki feel asleep, leaving y/n to sketch on his own. Soon after the god had fallen asleep, the drawing was finished. Y/n closed the pad set it down under the books that he had brought before getting up to check on Loki's fever. He relaxed a bit after feeling that his temperature was normal. Y/n, being too tired after watching over Loki for the day, laid down on the end of Loki's bed, knowing that he wouldn't mind, instead of going back to his own room. Y/n soon fell asleep as well, knowing that Loki would be okay for the rest of the night, and that he could easily be woken up by Loki if he needed to be. 

~~one hour later~~

Loki woke up after a short hour of sleep. The room was dark still, but he could still make out y/n laying down on the end of the bed. Loki got up and walked over to the mortal, picking him up and moving him to a more comfortable position as he shook his head at the sleeping boy. "Still an idiot sometimes. You spend all your time taking care of others that you forget about yourself." Loki spoke to himself as he placed the mortal down and moved his sheets over him and laid down beside him, protecting him as the mortal did for him. 

A/N: probably not gonna update this book as much, but it will still get updates

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