Chapter 4

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Y/n went through his normal routine before breakfast. Wake up, get dress to at least look presentable, and hide his necklace. Everything was normal until he hear knocks on every door in the hallway. Y/n walked out of his door to find everyone else outside too, and Tony in the middle. "Ya know what we never have?" Tony started what sounded like a speech. Y/n looked to Loki next to him and he looked as confused as he was. "Family breakfasts." Tony stated and extended his arms out to his sides. Everyone in the hall groaned as Tony stood there with a smile on his face. "Ya know, it may not be a bad idea." Banner said, moving towards Tony. Why do the science bros always have to agree with each other? Y/n thought to himself as everyone groaned again at Banner's statement. 

Soon enough everyone started moving towards the dining room. Loki and y/n rooms were the farthest away so they were at the back of the group. Loki put a hand on y/n's shoulder causing him to stop and look back at the god. Loki nodded his head towards the front door of the complex. Y/n nodded in agreement, knowing what the trickster was getting at. Definitely the god of mischief. The two broke off from the group, walking quietly towards the door and walking outside, careful not to be seen by Tony or Banner. Once they stepped outside, they began to run for the forest line, hoping they could make it there before anyone could see them. Once in the forest, the pair headed for the nearest food place.  

Once they got their food, they headed towards the cliffside to eat, away from the "family breakfast". At the cliffside, both of them sat leaning against the rock while they ate their food in silence. The lack of sound was comfortable between the two. Y/n was the first to break the silence, surprisingly. "You know they are gonna be wondering where we were during the breakfast, Loki." Loki nodded his head as he looked off towards the horizon, where the sky meets the sea. They both sat like that for a bit before each picking up their books.

"We should camp out here." Y/n took his eyes off his book to look at Loki, whose eyes were still fixated on the writing. "What?" Y/n heard the statement but was still wondering why Loki had suddenly said that. Loki looked up at the mortal with a confused look. "Does Midgard not have a concept of 'camping'? It's when you-" Y/n cut Loki off before he could go farther into explaining camping. "No, we have camping. I just want to know why you said it." Loki looked back down at his book, as if he was embarrassed by saying that they should camp. "I don't know. It sounded like a good idea at the time." Y/n looked at the god sitting a few feet from him. "No, we can camp out here, it sounds like a great idea." Y/n smiled at the god when he looked up with a sparkle in his green eyes. "The only thing is, what do we tell Tony and Thor?" Y/n looked concerned as he thought of what they would think of him spending the night in the middle of the woods with the God of Mischief. "Who says we have to tell them?" 

Y/n and Loki headed back towards the facility, making sure to stay in the tree line until they were behind. Loki pointed to his window, which was on the second floor. There was a rope hanging down from the slightly open window all the way down to the ground, making sure it was between windows so no one would see. Yup, this is the God of Mischief alright. Loki and y/n looked to make sure the coast was clear before both running towards the window and starting to climb up the rope. 

Y/n looked around once they both got into Loki's room. He had many little things around his room. Little paper weights on desks, a silver cup on his nightstand and his helmet that sat on his dresser. Y/n started at the helmet for a while before finally looking to Loki, who was already heading towards his closet. He grabbed two bags and another smaller back which looked to be a pretty good sized tent. Y/n headed to his room to grab anything he would need and put it into a bag.

Once both of them got back to the cliffside, they set up the tent close to the tree line. Instead of sleeping bags, the other two bags that Loki brought were filled with blankets and pillows. Loki's reasoning behind this was that they are more comfortable and you don't feel like you are suffocated. Y/n didn't question the god as he seemed fond of his opinion. 

The two sat at their rock watching the sun set in silence. Y/n was a bit nervous to be sleeping in the same tent as someone else, even worse, Loki. Unknown to Loki, y/n had been getting nightmares recently. His memories from his past showed themselves louder and clearer than ever. Ever since he began becoming friends with Loki and slowly liking him more and more. Y/n didn't want to disturb Loki if he had a nightmare. Most of the time, his nightmares weren't as bad and wouldn't wake anyone up. Other times were different though. 

The sun finally set and the world became black, only lit up by the moon. "come on, we should rest." Loki got up and started head towards the tent. Both of them changed into comfortable clothing before they left so they didn't have to worry about changing. The tent was big enough that there was about a one foot gap between the both of them. Both of them laid down on the mess of pillows and blankets that they didn't place neatly. 

Loki laid under the covers staring at the roof of the tent as y/n slept beside him. He knew that y/n was having nightmares but was to nervous to say anything to him in fear of him leaving. He wanted to protect his friend but also wanted to keep his distance in case y/n thought otherwise. 

The night moved on and Loki finally fell into a light sleep. He didn't sleep long before feeling y/n tossing and turning in his sleep. Sitting up, Loki put his hand on y/n shoulder as a comfort, hoping that it would help him.  When the seconds moved on, Loki realized he was still shaking. Instead of keeping his hand still, he began slowly shaking y/n arm in hopes of waking him up. His idea work as y/n sat up, looking to Loki with a sad look in his eyes. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up." Loki looked to y/n as they both sat on their ends of the tent. "It's fine. You can't control it. Just try and go back to sleep, okay?" Loki tried to be as calm as possible and not show his worry. Y/n just nodded, laying his head back down on the pillows, Loki soon doing the same.

~~~Back at the facility~~ 

Tony paced around the facility before Thor finally came up to him, putting his hand on his shoulder. "What's wrong, Tony." Thor asked, turning his head to the side a bit. "Y/n and Loki never showed up to breakfast and I saw them when I told everyone and now they aren't in their rooms. They aren't at the lake either." Tony rambled on in a worried rant. "I assure you, they will return. My brother would never do anything to hurt him. He cares too much." Thor walked back to what he was doing, leaving a confused Tony behind him.

A/N: I'm sorry if this one isn't as good, it's late, school sucks, we're quarantined and I can't find anything better to do with my life right now.

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