Chapter 13

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Y/n woke up the day after from the sun shining through the curtains. He got up and made his way over to his desk, where he had put his sketch pad. He grabbed a pencil as he flipped to the page that held Loki's drawing. Y/n wrote out a small note using a quote before adding something to the end of it, to personalize it, before adding his signature next to the date. Y/n carefully tore out the page before folding it and placing it in his pocket.

Y/n made his way to the kitchen where Loki was already. The god already had two meals ready for the both of them, knowing that y/n wouldn't eat much if he didn't. Y/n accepted Loki's meal, eating together while watching TV in the living area. They tried to stay away from the others as much as possible, knowing that they were probably still mad about the pranks.

Y/n had been on his phone most of the time, seeing many posts of people attempting to hold the world in the palm of their hands, which gave him a new idea to annoy Loki some more. Y/n smiled a bit as be looked over to Loki, who was still watching the TV from next to him. "Hey, Lokes." Y/n said, causing Loki to look over at him. "Did you know I am one of the few people who can hold the world in their hands?" The mortal continued his plan, earning a confused look from the god before he spoke. "That's impossible." Loki stated plainly before turning back to the TV in front of him. "What? You want me to prove it?" Y/n asked, teasing the god a bit as he spoke. Loki looked back over, nodding his head before speaking again. "If you can prove the impossible, go right ahead." Y/n smirked a bit before turning his body to face Loki better, earning an even more confused look from him. Y/n moved his hands so his thumbs rested on Loki's cheekbones and his pinkies under his jaw. "I think I have proven myself." Y/n said, tilting his head to the side a bit, earning a slight blush from Loki before he turned away again. "I have a reputation to maintain." Loki said softly, knowing that he was just making excuses, earning a small laugh from the mortal beside him.

Even though Loki was acting annoyed, he dropped the act when y/n let his body fall against Loki's, resting his head on the god's shoulder as he tried to break Loki's act, and succeeding. Loki sighed as he moved his arm around the mortal's body, keeping his eyes focused on the TV as he let his head rest on top of the boy's. Y/n moved his gaze to the man walking past them, who just happened to be Thor of all people. "You look adorable for once, brother." Thor teased his younger brother as he walked past the room, earning a annoyed Loki from the statement. "Oh, be quiet, Thor." Loki said, pulling the Mortal closer to himself as he spoke. 

"You want to go to the cliffside?" Y/n suggested as he looked up at Loki. Loki nodded in response, moving his arm so he could stand up from the couch. Y/n followed the god through the woods, watching as small animals ran in front of them and disappeared behind trees. They watched as bird flew over head in groups. The sun was shining through the trees and made the small clearing visible from different parts of the woods, which helped them find the quickest way to navigate through the trees, bushes, and patches of taller grass mixed with vines. 

Y/n and Loki sat at the cliffside after they got through the woods. The two looked out to the horizon, the sun still being pretty low in the sky. Y/n pulled a folded piece of paper out of his pocket, opening it in a position that Loki wouldn't be able to see it. He looked down at the page, seeing the finished picture of Loki reading in this spot on the cliffside, y/n's signature and yesterday's date on the bottom of the page along with a small note.

Y/n looked to Loki, who was sitting beside him, staring to the horizon still. He watched as the sun shined off Loki's eyes, making them seem more green than icey blue that they normally were. Y/n looked down at the drawing one more time before speaking. "You said you wanted to know what I was drawing, I said you'll know soon enough." Y/n spoke, still looking down at the drawing in his hands. "Welcome to 'soon enough'." Y/n joked as he looked up to Loki, who was now looking over at him to, as he handed him the sketch. Loki took the drawing in his hands, looking down at it and admiring the black and white drawing that someone popped with life even without color. 

Loki looked to the bottom corner, reading the small note that was left behind before the signature. "I'm not perfect. I say stupid things sometimes. I laugh when I'm not supposed to. I have scars left by people who did me wrong. I'm a little crazy, and probably won't change. Love me or not. But I make one promise, that if I love you, I do it with a full heart." Loki read the quote at the bottom of the page, which was followed with a small personally message. "I love you, Loki, more than words can describe." Loki kept his eye on the last message for a while before setting the drawing down next to him and moved his arm up, silently telling y/n to move over to his side. Y/n moved under Loki's arm, resting his head on the god's shoulder as Loki moved his arm to hold the mortal closer before rest his head on y/n's. "I love you too, Y/n." Loki spoke softly as he held the boy close to him. 

A/N: let me know what you think of this chapter ^^

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