Chapter 8

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Loki opened the door to y/n's room. The dark room was only brightened by the moonlight. Y/n woke to Loki's hand on his shoulder. Loki sat on the edge of the bed as y/n sat up. No words were spoken as they both sat there. Loki moved so he could rest his body against the wall, knowing that he wouldn't sleep in his own room even if Stark would disapprove. The god wanted to protect the mortal even if others didn't want him to. Y/n eventually moved to Loki's side, feeling safe next to the god. Loki's arms found their way around the mortal, holding him closer as he protected him.


Loki was already making food why y/n woke up the next morning. They ate together in the living area as they watched TV.  After they finished eating, they decided to go to the cliff again, even if Tony didn't want them to. Loki started towards his own room to get the book that he was reading. He was stopped by Thor, who had a rather excited expression on his face. "Hello, brother." Loki said, with slight sound of happiness in his voice. Thor only continued to look at his younger brother. "Is there something wrong?" Loki asked confused as he stood in front of the older god. "Your necklace. You found your soulmate." Thor gestured to Loki's neck, where the leather was normally visible. Loki's expression dropped as his brother mentioned the soulmates. He knew Thor wouldn't be able to keep his mouth shut and he didn't want Stark finding out. He couldn't protect y/n from him, he had already lost to Stark once, this time would be worse. Loki only walked by Thor, not wanting to reveal his soulmate to his brother.

When y/n and Loki got to the cliff, they didn't pick up their books like they normally did. They only watched the horizon. "My brother knows that I met my soulmate." Loki stated, keeping his eyes on the skyline. Y/n looked over to the god. "Does it matter if he knows?" Loki knew he would have to let y/n know why Thor couldn't know, but he also knew that y/n looked to Stark as a father figure, even if he was rude and ignorant, he didn't want to lose him. "I don't think Stark would be too happy if he found out that we are soulmates. He already doesn't like me being around you." Loki said as he looked down at the ground beneath him. "Loki, I don't care what Tony says." Y/n looked to Loki with a sense of pride in his eyes. Loki only nodded, knowing that y/n would understand what he meant. They both started reading, knowing that they didn't have anything to talk about at the moment. 

Loki was the first to break the silence. "You can sing, can't you?" Loki said, putting his book down as he marked the page. Y/n was confused by the sudden question. "How did you know?" Was all that y/n could manage to think of. "It's just, I heard you singing a while ago, I thought you could sing a midgardian song? One of your favorites maybe?" Loki looked to y/n when he finished talking, hoping that he could learn the mortal's favorite song so he could find a way to help when he needs it. Y/n only nodded as he put the book down next to Loki's. He shifted his body so he was sitting straight up with his hands folded in his lap. Loki also moved to face y/n as he started to sing a Panic! song.

"The moment you arrived they built you up
The sun was in your eyes
You couldn't believe it
Riches all around, you're walking
Stars are on the ground
You start to believe it"

Loki only looked at y/n as he sang the melody. He knew midgardian songs were different, he was also told he wouldn't like them compared to asgardian music. But this song connected with him, maybe because his soulmate was singing it.

"Every face along the boulevard is a dreamer just like you
You looked at death in a tarot card and you saw what you had to do

But nobody knows you now
When you're dying in LA
And nobody owes you now"

Y/n looked to Loki as he finished his favorite lyric from the song. Loki only stared in awe of his soulmates voice. Y/n looked down at the ground shyly, not knowing what Loki was think or what he thought of it. "That was amazing." Loki said softly. Both of them didn't pick up their books again. Loki thoughts were flooded with the song's lyrics. 

The silence was broken by a call from Tony. Y/n instantly picked up, knowing that Stark didn't call him much. "What's wrong? Why did you call?" Y/n said quickly as he stood up from the ground. "I need you back at the complex. Now." Stark's voice was demanding and desperate as he hung up the call. Y/n only looked back at Loki. Loki, knowing slightly what was happening, followed y/n through the forest back to the facility. 

They were both met by the Avengers, Stark in the front. As Loki and y/n moved towards Tony, he stepped out of his suit. "I need you both ready to fight." Tony said to both of them before he turned to only y/n. "And you, you do not come out unless I tell you to. I don't plan on losing you and I don't plan on leaving you with him." Y/n sighed as both him and Loki made their way to their own rooms. Loki got his leather outfit on with his green cape and his helmet while y/n sat on his bed, knowing he wouldn't be called out. There was no reason to rush getting ready if he wasn't the first line of defense. 

Loki had already been gone for 10 minutes before y/n finally started getting his armor on. No one had seen him in his armor, but they knew he had some. In the back of his closet, sat a full black armored uniform. It was the uniform given to Winter Soldiers. No one knew that he had been a Winter Soldier. He was captured by HYDRA when he was younger but escaped within a year, making his way back to his house before he got kicked out for being gay. Hydra was how he got his wings, that's also the reason he never showed them.

Y/n was wandering the complex, waiting for Stark to call him in, when an idea hit him. If Stark didn't know about the Hydra stuff, he wouldn't recognize him in his winter soldier stuff. Y/n made his way back to his room to get the rest of his stuff ready. Hydra trained him in knives mainly, so he was given hidden blades that he straps onto his wrists. Y/n had his mask and glasses on and all his knives in their sheaths that were attached to his armor. Y/n made his way outside, ready for any fight that the universe had to offer this time. He kept his com on his just in case the avengers needed any help in certain areas. Once y/n was outside, he let his wings spread out and away from his body. 

Y/n flew around the fight, listening to what the avengers were saying. The avengers were fighting a regular looking guy. He looked like he wasn't a threat until he moved rock and threw it a Clint. Clint barely dodged the rock as he rolled out of the way. The avengers kept the guy distracted, unknowingly helping y/n. While the guy was focused on the others, y/n flew down behind him, his knives revealing themselves as he dived downwards. The guy seemed to notice something was off as he stopped fighting the others. "Uh, guys? Who is that?" Y/n heard Cap say to the others. "It's not me." Sam confirmed. Y/n was 5 feet from the guy when he turned, throwing a smaller rock directly at y/n head, one of the knives still hitting the guy's neck. Y/n felt his mask and glasses fall off as the world faded to black. 

"Guys." Loki started, "That y/n."

A/N: updating again tomorrow ^^ sorry for the bad beginning XDD  Not sorry for the cliffhanger though :)

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