Chapter 10

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Y/n was in his own room, sitting on his bed with a sketch pad and a pencil. He had a secret book of drawings that were of Loki. When ever he got the chance, he would remember a moment and draw it later. He wasn't great at drawing something that isn't in front of him.  He also signed the bottom of each page with his name and the date, he knew it wasn't the best idea, but did it anyways. 

After around an hour and a half of drawing, he finally had a finished piece. It wasn't perfect, but it was enough for a break. Y/n got off his bed, leaving the sketch pad open on the far side of his bed with the pencil on top. He was only going to grab a snack and wouldn't be gone long anyways. 

Thor was walking past the door when y/n opened it. "Hey, Thor." Y/n greeted the god as he headed towards the kitchen, getting a smile in response.  The rest of the avengers, except Loki and Thor, were in the living area watching TV. Not paying any attention to them, he walked into the kitchen, getting an apple and a glass of water before heading back to his room. Y/n only noticed the other avengers when he got a glance from Tony. Still, he headed to his room.

Y/n opened his door, closing it behind him as he walked into the room. He set the water and apple down on the table as he sat on the bed, grabbing his pencil and book and getting back to work while eating every once in a while. The sun was setting when he finally finished, his apple and drink had been finished long before. The drawing wasn't colored, but had a great amount of detail in it. y/n closed the sketch pad and placed it onto his table along with his pencil, which was not dull due to the hours of work. He closed the shades of his window, causing his room to become dark, the only light was coming from under the door. Y/n laid on his bed, hoping to get enough sleep so he could work on more drawings the next day.

The other avenger  

The rest of the avengers were all in the living area, still watching TV. Loki, as always, was the only one that wasn't there along with Y/n. "Anyone know what Loki and y/n do all day?" Tony asked the others. "I mean, they are almost never with the rest of us or they close themselves in their rooms." None of the other avengers looked over to Stark but Thor. "I know Loki reads all day or practices his magic, or he's with Y/n if he's not in his room." Thor stated, knowing his own brother quite well. "Y/n on the other hand, I have no idea." Tony only hummed, acknowledging what the god had said. "Anyone care to find out?" Thor questioned, not expecting an answer from the team. Natasha only sighed, knowing that it wasn't going to end very well. 

Thor made his way towards y/n's room, knowing that he doesn't keep his door lock. The room was dark, but everything quickly became visible from the light pouring in through the door. Thor looked over the room, seeing nothing of interest. There were pencils and a few books laid out across table, but not enough to keep someone entertained for long. Thor was about to turn out of the room to tell the others that he hadn't found anything, when he spotted a sketch book. It was simple but looked out of place on the empty table. Thor moved quietly towards the table, hoping he could get the book without waking up y/n. Once he got the book, he headed to the rest of the avengers who were still in the living area. 

Thor made his way back to the rest of the avengers with the book in hand, earning a curious look from Tony. Thor flipped through the pages of the sketch pad, seeing drawings of Loki, with a few drawings of animals or nature mixed in with them, each one dated and signed. Thor closed the pad, smiling as he walked back to the couch, earning a glare from Stark. 

The next morning 

Y/n woke up the next morning, rolling over and sitting on the edge of his bed facing the window as he opened up the shades and letting the sunlight pour into his room. He stared out at the treeline as he tried to wake up a bit more before trying to move. After a while, he stood up and started to walk towards his door, glancing at his table as he turned around. He didn't notice anything at first, but stopped before opening the door, his hand still on the doorknob. He turned back towards his bed and the table, noticing that the one thing he didn't want anyone else to see was gone. Y/n made a mental list of every avenger as he stood at his door, thinking of who would want to take the sketch pad or knew about it. Loki was off the list as he would have woken him up and said something about it. Natasha, Clint and Bruce were off the list, along with others, leaving Thor, Tony and Steve. Y/n quickly narrowed it down to Thor. Meeting him in the hallway, his teasing about Loki, it made sense for him to take the sketch pad. 

Y/n walked out of his room and headed towards the living area, knowing that the team had probably eaten already. Thor and Loki were surprisingly the only ones in the room. Y/n glared at the God of Thunder from the front of the room, knowing that he probably took the sketch pad. It didn't take y/n long before he saw the sketch pad open in Thor's hands as he flipped through it as Loki watched from next to him. "Oh, you are so dead." Y/n threatened the god as he stood with his arms crossed in front of him, continuing to glare at Thor. Thor's head shot up as he closed the book, causing Loki to look upwards also. Thor gave y/n a nervous smile, knowing that he couldn't get his hammer because it would break everything in the facility. Y/n flicked his wrists down, revealing the hidden blades that placed themselves into the palms of his hands. "Oh, Norns." Loki whispered to himself as he rested his head in the palm of his hand, knowing that he had warned Thor this would happen if he didn't give it back. Thor placed the book on the couch next to him slowly as y/n looked into the kitchen, seeing that the rest of the team was talking in there, only looking over when they heard Thor start running towards the stairs with y/n following closely behind with knives in hand.

"To answer your question, Nat, yes, y/n does know that Thor took his book." Tony said as he turned back to Natasha, who was standing on the other side of the counter, as if the rest of the team didn't hear the two chasing each other through the facility. Thor eventually made it outside, with y/n still following behind him. Y/n stood in front of Thor with his two knives gripped in his hands. "Why did you take it?" Y/n asked Thor as he stepped forward. "Tony wanted to know what you do all day in your room." Thor stepped back as y/n stepped towards him. "Oh, so the whole team has seen my sketches?" Thor stepped back as he saw his brother calmly walking out the front door like he wasn't about to be stabbed. "No. As soon as I opened it, I didn't show them. Stark isn't too happy about it, but they don't know." Thor defended himself as Loki walked up next to y/n. Y/n sighed in relief after knowing that no one else knew, but still angry that Thor took it. He was about to take another step towards Thor before he felt Loki place his hand on his forearm. "It's not worth it, I was going to end up seeing it eventually anyways." Loki said softly from beside the mortal. After hearing Loki, y/n sighed and pointed the knives upwards and moving the plate that locked the blade, causing it to fall back into place in the hidden holder. Y/n, Thor and Loki eventually made their ways back into the facility.

Tony placed the sketch pad back down on the couch as he closed it and walked into the kitchen with the others. After seeing how y/n reacted to Thor seeing it he didn't want to be caught looking though it.

A/N: sorry that I haven't updated in a while, updates for this book and others will be more frequent for now on....maybe

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