chapter 6

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Y/n was already up when he heard knocking on his door. He had only woken up 10 minutes before and was still tired, probably not getting ready today either. When he open the door he was surprisingly meet with Loki, who had two plates of food. Y/n looked at Loki, confused on why he had brought him food. "I just thought that we could eat in your room because you weren't up yet. or we can eat in mine, there is more space to sit in my room." Loki said as he stood a little ways from the doorway. Y/n just nodded, moving out of his room and closing the door as he follow Loki. 

Loki's room was neatly organized. He kept a lot of small stuff out, including his older helmet and his sketch pad. His closet was open and he didn't have much in there. He had two leather outfit, that he wore when he had to fight, and a few hoodies, sweatpants and jeans. Ever since Loki moved into the facility, he stopped wearing his leather stuff and started wearing gray sweatpants and a black hoodie, seeing as we weren't fighting as much anymore. Loki and y/n both sat on Loki's queen bed. No one really knew why he had such a big bed as no one was ever with him. They watched more Queer Eye as they ate their food. 

After they both finished, they kept watching the show. At least Loki did. Y/n was too busy looking around the room. "Like my helmet?" Loki said unexpectedly, with a hint of teasing in his voice, causing y/n to look over to the god. "Here." Loki got off the bed, setting the plate that was on his lap beside him. Loki walked over to his dresser, where his helmet was sitting. Loki picked the golden helmet up, looking at it as he held it in his hands, before turning to hand it to y/n. Y/n held it in his hands before looking up to Loki, who was now sitting on the bed again. All Loki did was nod as he moved so his body was facing y/n. Y/n slowly put the helmet on. It felt weird as he was wearing sweatpants and a shirt, but all Loki did was smile softly, causing y/n's checks to flush as he looked away from the god sitting across from him. Why do you look so cute in my helmet, mortal. Loki thought as he focused his eyes on the boy that sat across the bed from him. A god and a mortal will never work...Will it? Loki's mind threw thoughts at him. What would mother think? Odin? But there was only one thought that spoke louder than the rest. You love him.  Loki tilted his head as he continued to study the mortal that he was starting to fall in love with. He knew he would never know how to tell him. Who cares if they weren't soulmates. Loki never looked at his necklace anyways. Maybe he should?

Y/n kept his e/c eyes focused on Loki's blue-green eyes. He looked like he was thinking of something, but y/n couldn't figure out what it could be. There was no why he was thinking of him, right? Why would a god love a mortal after all. Y/n took the helmet off and handed it to Loki. "You can come to me if you need anything, you know that, right?" Loki said as he looked from his helmet to y/n. Y/n only nodded as he looked back to Loki. 

Time skip to after eating dinner

Loki and y/n ate dinner in the living room while watching their show per usual. They were still sitting on the couches far after they had finished their food. Y/n's phone had a text message from 5 minutes ago and another from a few seconds ago, both from Stark. "You do know its midnight, right?" Y/n read the messages as Loki watched the TV screen. "You better be asleep by now." Y/n laughed a bit when he read the last message. Loki looked over at the mortal, confused by what was so funny. "Tony wants us, at least me, asleep." Y/n said as he looked to Loki. The god turned off the TV and both of them headed to their own rooms, exchanging glances as they walked through their doorways, out of sight from each other. 

Once Loki closed his door, he sat on the end of the bed before laying down. What if I check my necklace name? Mother always said that your soulmate's name is on it. That something would happen when you got close enough to them. Loki thought. He had never gotten close to anyone unless he was fighting or they were family. He also remembered that his mother said that a god could have a mortal as a soulmate, but it didn't happen often. They already didn't approve when Thor told them that he found a mortal that he likes and they weren't soulmates. What if he's not my soulmate though. Mother would probably be supportive but Odin wouldn't be. Loki sighed as he grabbed the metal that hung off a leather string from under his black hoodie. He wrapped his fingers around the metal circle causing it to turn and face him. Y/n was written in runes, engraved into the metal. Loki smiled as he looked down at the necklace. He doesn't know though, he can't read runes. Loki realized that this was going to be harder than he thought. 

After an hour of sitting on his bed, staring at that same necklace, the one that said the name of the mortal he had fallen for, ideas came to him, one after another. One idea stuck with him though. The god tucked the necklace back under the hoodie and walked to his closet. He picked a dark gray hoodie from the hanger. He switched the hoodies and folded his black one in nice folds. He also grabbed a paper from his desk and started writing a small note. after writing it on the small index card, he placed it on top of the hoodie. Hoping that y/n was asleep by now, he walked to the room next to his.

Loki took a deep breath as he stood outside y/n's door, the hoodie and note in his arms. Thoughts ran though his mind as he reached the handle for the door. Slowly twisting the handle, he pushed it opened. The dark room surrounded the god as he walked further into the room. There was a small spot on the end table that Loki then placed the hoodie on. The small note stood out against the dark color of the fabric. Loki looked to the mortal, who rested peacefully in his bed. "I love you so much, y/n, you don't understand." Loki sighed as he confessed what he never could if he was awake.   

A/N: HAPPY PRIDE MONTH YALL!!! comment suggestions for new chapters in the comments <3

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