Chapter 9

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Throwing the rock that quickly caused the guy to fall off balance, allowing Stark to hit him and the other avengers to capture him as Loki made his way to y/n. "Oh, you are such an idiot sometimes." Loki muttered to himself under his breath as be picked up y/n's unconscious body bridal style. The avengers all made their way back to the facility, leaving the unknown guy for S.H.I.E.L.D to take care of themselves. As the avengers walked in a group, Tony kept an eye on Loki. Why does he care so much? I didn't know he had the ability to care. Tony thought, causing himself to laugh a bit. Which earned him looks from the team. 

Y/n was laid down in the med wing to recover. All the other avengers had left already, as it was getting late, except for Loki. The god had refused to leave even after every avenger except his brother tried telling him that it's late. Loki planned on staying with y/n and wasn't planning on letting him wake up alone. Loki raised his head from his hands to see his brother. The younger god gave his brother a questioning look as he shifted his weight so he was leaning against the back of his chair. "I'm going to take a guess that he's your soulmate." Thor said as he leaned on the doorframe of the med wing. The saddened look that Loki gave his brother was all that was needed to confirm Thor's claim. "Since you aren't going to leave his side, I'm getting you something to eat and drink. Any requests?" Loki only shook his head as he leaned forward again. 

Loki sighed, not knowing if the mortal would ever wake up again. Minutes later, Thor returned with a small plate of fruits and a glass of water. Loki leaned back as his brother walked in, not wanting to show him how weak he actually was at the moment. Thor placed everything on a table next to Loki, hoping he would eat something. Thor left after, giving Loki the alone time he needed.

Loki didn't have any motive to eat or drink, even knowing that y/n wouldn't approve of it. Loki held y/n hand in his own as he continued waiting. He traced patterns on the mortal's skin, hoping for him to wake up, but not expecting him to at his touch. Loki was told that he was in a stable condition, but didn't know when he would wake up again, he did get hit pretty hard. 

Y/n opened his eyes slowly. The room was painted with a bright white, which was still bright to him even with the lights off. Y/n expected to be alone seeing that it was dark outside, but he felt someone holding his hand anyways. Y/n shifted his gaze from the wall to the figure that sat beside him, easily recognizing it as Loki. Even in the darkness of the room, he could see that Loki was tired. Y/n held Loki's hand, surprising the god with the feeling of life. Loki looked up with a flicker of hope in his green-blue eyes. "Loki, did you even slept tonight? or eaten?" Y/n questioned as he looked to the god. Loki only grabbed the glass of water, giving it to y/n to drink. "I'll take that as a 'no'." Y/n answered himself after taking a sip of the water. 

Loki had helped y/n to his room, knowing that the beds in the med wing were uncomfortable. Loki was about to leave to his own room, but was stopped by y/n grabbing his arm, causing him to look back at the mortal. Loki gave y/n a look of confusion as he turned back around. "C-can you stay with me? Just for tonight." Y/n asked, not knowing if Loki would agree or not. Loki nodded as he moved back to the mortal, laying down beside him. Y/n said nothing but moved closer to the god, causing Loki to wrap his arms around him.

The next day

Steve walked into the kitchen after checking the med wing, meeting Tony in there as well. "Y/n's woke up last night, I'm guessing that Loki brought him to his room." Tony only scoffed at the fact that Loki never left his side, earning himself a look from Steve. "What? Loki is always around y/n. I never see them out of each other's sight." Tony said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the universe. "Maybe because the only time you see him is when you're yelling at him for being out." Steve said as he went to make himself breakfast.

Y/n woke up to the feeling of Loki's head resting on his and his arms wrapped around him. "Morning, y/n." Loki said softly after feeling y/n's body shift. Y/n only smiled as he sat up on the bed. Y/n got up, Loki soon following him as he opened the door. 

Y/n and Loki walked into the kitchen, where both Steve and Tony still were. "Hey, y/n. How are you feeling?" Steve said as he continued making his food. "Better." Y/n answered with a small smile. While Steve was being nice to the two, Tony was glaring at them, which caught Steve's attention. "Come on, Tony. You can't be like this to him all the time." Steve complained to Stark as Thor and Bucky both walked in with Sam behind them. "Y'know, he's right. Mostly because they're soulmates, you'll have to deal with them being together." Thor said with a bit of teasing in his voice, earning him a glare from Loki. "I told you he wouldn't be able to keep his mouth shut." Loki said annoyed as he turned to y/n, who was still standing beside him. "And when did you tell him? It was while I was recovering, wasn't it?" Y/n said with a bit of sass lining his voice. Loki only shook his head, giving y/n the answer he was looking for. Loki looked back to the others, seeing that Tony and Steve were both giving the shocked looks. Loki sighed as he raised his hand with the ring on it, showing it to the others, y/n soon following the god's movement and showing the team his ring that matched Loki's. 

When all the others left and it was only Loki and y/n left in the kitchen, y/n got an idea and a boost of confidence. Y/n looked to Loki, catching his attention with the sudden movement, earning himself a confused look from the god. Y/n smiled a bit before reaching up to kiss Loki's cheek, earning a more confused look from the god, if that was possible. "What was that?" Loki asked the mortal. "It's called affection, Loki." Y/n replayed, mocking the god. "Ew, disgusting." Loki said, pausing before he continued. "Do it again." Y/n only laughed, walking away from the god of mischief. "Taste of your own medicine. What? Don't like how it tastes?" Y/n teased as he left the room to sit with the other avengers in the living area.

Y/n sat next to Thor on one of the couchs, enough room for one other person to sit next to him. "Why are you smiling?" Thor asked y/n without moving is gaze. "You see." Y/n replayed, proud of his work. Y/n statement was soon followed by a quited annoyed god walking in to join the team. "Loki...Why do you look like you could kill someone...?" Thor asked with slight concern in his voice, earning him a death glare from Loki, who was now sitting on the couch with them. After getting glared at by his brother, Thor looked to y/n who only nodded. "What did you do, y/n?" The older god asked, genuinely curious on what the mortal could have done. "A taste of his own medicine." Y/n replayed smugly as he smiled at Thor, knowing Loki was still annoyed.

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