TATBILB: Mr. Smart Guy

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What, where, and when did you have your first crush?

At eight years old, I liked someone for the first time. He is my classmate in 3rd grade. We were not close, and he was seated far from me. He is the top student in our class and is super intelligent. His name is France Yu. His surname is Chinese; he is cute, not that tall, and serious regarding his studies.

He is always on top of the class and always in the 1st place, and I was in 3rd place. He is a snob person and not that approachable to me.

I always had my eyes on him. I always glance at him, which makes me realize I like him already. It's my first time to like someone. It makes my heart flutter when I see his face.

There are lots of qualities that I like about him. He is cute and intelligent, but I like that whenever my teacher said to summarize a story or something, he would always raise his hand. I was shocked when he memorized all about what happened in the story. I'm amazed.

One time, our teacher made a game called a flashcard. The game's mechanics are each group has a participant, and you will guess the answer. In the flashcards are multiplication problems. The game is like a race; when you get the correct answer, you will go forward until the finish line. That time, I was a participant, and France was too. I was amazed when he answered it directly without counting it on his fingers. At the same time, I struggled, but I answered three problems correctly.

When I turned to 4th grade, he was still my crush, even though we were not classmates anymore. When I see him at the campus, my heart flutters with excitement.

As time went by, my feelings for him vanished. I don't like him anymore. It's just puppy love, an infatuation, as they may say. I'm happy that he is my first crush. Intelligent guys are one of my ideal types. 

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