TATBILB: Mr. Cute Guy

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I've always been interested in cute guys, and I like this cute guy.

As you can see, in 7th grade, I had a crush on three guys: Mr. Nice Guy, Mr. Bad Boy, and Mr. Cute. Don't judge me. It's normal for me to like three guys who are also my classmates. It's just like and not love. I can like as many guys as possible but only love one.

The name of Mr. Cute is Neil Vincent. He's not tall, intelligent, and, most of all, cute. While I was still familiarizing myself with the faces of my classmates, my eyes averted on this guy, and I kept glancing and staring at him.

One time, we had an activity that required going outside. I'm planning something that he will notice me. When I was done doing the activity, I returned to the room, and I'm glad he is not yet back. I planned to sit near his seat, and it was in the corner, so I sat there. He went back after some minutes and was approaching his sit and standing beside me. I noticed his presence, got up quickly, and went to my proper seat.

As time went by, we got even closer. We joke around and have fun with each other. One day, our teacher in history tells us to draw a map of the Philippines, and she will have an oral recitation regarding the locations of each region. She called us one by one. When it was Neil's turn, our teacher said random regions, and I was amazed because he got it all correct.

We were not classmates when we turned 8th grade, but we still communicated, and sometimes he would go to my classroom. I still remember when he said he would go to my room, and I would get ready and put on perfume to notice how fragrant I was—silly me.

We only had a little communication after that. When I was in my 1st year in college, he chatted with me first. I was startled because I usually chat with him first. He chatted with me because he needed my time and wanted to give him advice because he and his girlfriend had broken up. When I think about it, I'm just an option. I felt sad because he just chatted and thought about me when he had a problem and needed help, and I couldn't blame him. He's been a good friend, after all.

I stopped liking him when I was in my 9th grade. Now, when I chatted with him, he doesn't reply. Maybe his girlfriend will get mad at him or something. Oh well, it's normal. I forgot to tell you that he and his girlfriend are back together. He did follow my advice, and I'm glad. I hope they stay strong.  

To All The Boys I Liked BeforeWhere stories live. Discover now