TATBILB: Mr. Dimples

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Having dimples is adorable. It becomes most adorable with a smile. They say that it is a deformity, but I don't care. It's a deformity that adds beauty. It is also lovely and envied.

He is a friend/classmate of Walter. The moment I saw him, I got attracted right away. He has beautiful eyes, and his dimples will appear when he smiles. His name is Russel.

We would chat with each other every day, sharing random topics. On Valentine's Day, he gave me chocolates as he promised me. I treasured it because it was the first time someone gave me chocolates on a particular day.

As time went by, we became close. He would call me every night, spending 30 minutes or more on the phone. One day, I was shocked because he texted those three words to me. I doubt it because it's not in person; maybe he is just faking it and not serious. My heart beat faster when he texted me those words. No doubt, when someone says those words to you, in person or text, we feel fluttered and can't explain ourselves. It's like you have butterflies in your stomach. I don't love Russel, but I like him, and the feeling is mutual. We didn't confirm what the real score between us was. We need to know more about each other.

Everything is going smoothly between us until one day. He said something that can hurt my feelings. He said that I was just his friend. I've been friend-zoned. I know some of you experienced being friend-zoned, and it hurts. What's the meaning of telling me that he loves me? Is it just a lie? I don't know anymore. I think I'm a rebound because I remember him telling me about this girl. I also remember him saying that if I were to be his girlfriend, he would court me if I gained weight. Wow, what a standard. It's not my fault that I'm thin. Blame my body for being like this. I hate him already because he hurt my feelings.

I thought he was the one, but I figured. I'm assuming things. I almost gave my heart to him. I'm thankful that I did not fall in love with him. I did not cry because he did not deserve it.

We became friends again, even though I'm still angry at him. He apologized, and I forgave him. I forgive him because I don't have a choice. We would see each other every day at school and take note that he is the classmate/friend of my boy best friend. He also said that we should forget it because it's all in the past, and I agreed to that, but I can't just forget it because he made a fool out of me, and it will always be in my head. Walter, my boy best friend, warned me about him but I didn't listen, so this happened. It's okay because I learned my lesson. I'm glad that I've experienced it. I'm not going to be fooled again. I will be careful and get to know the person more. 

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