TATBILB: Mr. Smile

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Guys with a cute smile make your day. Do you agree with me?

I'm in my 8th grade. I like this guy because he has a cute smile. His name is Jacky. We were classmates, and he was seated far from me, but I still noticed him. It's not just the cute smile that I like. He also has a baby face.

It was the end of the first quarter, and our teacher would arrange our seats every quarter. I was happy when he was my seatmate. I felt shy. We didn't talk to each other or become close because I could not find a way to be close to him. We talked, but just when we asked questions or something. The whole quarter is like that.

My feelings for him didn't last long. I realize I don't like him anymore. I have no interest in him like before.

I didn't see him for many years, but one day, when I was heading home and climbing the overpass, I saw him. He is still the same, but taller and has matured. He is not alone, though; there's a girl with him, and I think it's his girlfriend.

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