TATBILB: Mr. Arrogant

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There is another person that I had a crush on when I was in 5th grade, and his name is Vince Patrick. He is arrogant, spoiled, stubborn, always gets in trouble and fights, and has anger issues, but he is like that because some people can't understand him. He has good qualities even though he is like that. He is arrogant and spoiled because his parents are wealthy. His parents put him in a public school because of his personality. He may change if they put him in a public school. It's also his parent's fault that he is like that.

Vince is funny and kind to me; those are his good qualities. Once, I sat beside him, and we were having a seatwork. He doesn't have a paper, and he asked me to give him one. I said no, and what he did made me laugh because he would spit on the floor whenever I said no. He has a funny side, so I started to like him. I like boys with a sense of humor.

I have no regrets about liking him because he is a good guy despite being arrogant. He is a good friend to me. I wonder what the other people would judge him.

My liking for him did not last long.

Arrogant guys do not mean that he is terrible or something. He may have that personality because he has problems, and being complacent is an excellent way to hide it all. Remember that even though some guys are arrogant, they have good qualities. They hide them because they don't want others to sympathize with them. That kind of guy is mysterious. Try to get to know them more, but do not go overboard that you meddle or get involved with their life because they don't like it. If you gain their trust, then good for you.

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