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Do you ever like someone that is not a straight guy? I can't believe that I like my gay classmate. He is cute, has white skin, and is kind. We are in our 5th grade. I don't know our first encounter, but we became best friends. His name is Kevin Brian.

I don't know why I liked him. We have the same likes. We play Chinese garter every after lunch and get along well. At every flag ceremony, I was always in front of the line, and I would always glance at the back to see if he was there or not, and I would find a way to catch his attention. I would always like a guy if I glanced at him often, and that's why I gained interest in someone.

One time, I invited him to go to my house. When we arrived, I introduced him to my aunt, and they got along well. I asked him to enter my room, and guess what he did? He used my powder as his eye shadow and put lipstick on his lips. His face is funny. I also met his father and brother. His father is frightening, while his brother is handsome like him.

In 6th grade, I had a tomboy friend; her name was Chris Daniel. She is a good friend even though she always teases me and makes me cry. Meeting and being close to her is quite my downfall because she is also friends with Kevin, and I don't know that. She found out I liked him and told him I liked him. I felt shy, and whenever I saw him, I would avoid him. One time, I called him, and I was shocked when the topic was about me having a crush on him. I felt speechless, but I didn't tell him I liked him.

After a year or two, my aunt and I went to the drugstore, and I was shocked when someone grabbed my hair. When I look at that someone, that someone is Kevin. He greeted me, and I greeted him back. I don't have feelings for him anymore.

After many years, I searched his account on Facebook, and his name popped out, and I clicked it. His profile photo shocked me; he is beside a girl, and the caption is "Meet my girlfriend." I thought he would not fall in love with a girl, but I was wrong. My gay crush is a man now. I'm happy for him.

Liking a not-so-straight guy is not a bad thing. I mean, the truth is, gays are more handsome than some other guys out there. Do you agree with me?

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