The Mall Is Open 24 Hours

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Somewhere In South Dakota....

Amanda was on her way to the mall that just opened. It was a grand opening. Lots of people were there. This wasn't no ordinary mall. This mall stayed open, 24 hours. That's what really intrigued Amanda. She got off her bike, and put it in the bike rack. She entered the mall at 11 pm, on a clear, moonlit sky. When she stepped inside, there was a Pizza Hut, on the left, and a Dairy Queen, on the right. "This is so awesome!" exclaimed Amanda.

Her mother texted her to come back home, and go to bed, but Amanda had other plans. She took the escalator upstairs to go to The Dead Alligator Joint, where dead alligators were shipped in from the Florida Everglades. Amanda loved dead alligators. That way, they couldn't bite her. "This is uber cool!" she beamed! "I could stay here, all night!"

Then, Amanda got a dead alligator, for just a buck! It was a pretty good bargain, for a dead alligator. She dragged the gator by his tail, throughout the mall, and came back downstairs to get some food from Dairy Queen. She got two Flamethrower burgers, and a large Hi C.

This story was written on Thursday, May 21st, 2020.

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