Vicky Wrestling An Alligator And Killing Him

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ilovemybooks2000: I see you, alligator! I'm gonna wrestle you!

Alligator: *tries to get away, but is grabbed by his tail by Vicky*

ilovemybooks2000: Oh no, you don't! *pulling the alligator by his tail and grunting* You ain't getting away from me!

Alligator: *tries to break free of Vicky's grip*

ilovemybooks2000: I got you now! *wrestling the gator, then kills him with a stone* There! Not so tough now, are ya?

Alligator: *dead*

ilovemybooks2000: Vicky, 1, alligator, 0! I'm taking this bad boy with me! *taking the dead alligator by his tail with her*

This story was written on Friday, May 29th, 2020.

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