Writer's Block On South Park

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South Park, Colorado

Writer's Block: Where am I?

Stan: This is South Park, stupid!

Kyle: Haven't seen you around!

Writer's Block: I'm from Idaho.

Kenny: *muffled* What are you doing here in South Park?

Writer's Block: What did he say?

Wendy: Hey, guys!

Stan and Kyle: Hey, Wendy!

Wendy: I beat up Cartman for ya!

Kyle: Good!

Writer's Block: Are you talking about the fat kid?

Wendy: Yes. And I'll beat you up, too!

Writer's Block: Me? I haven't done anything!

Wendy: *beats up WB*

Writer's Block: *getting beat up by Wendy*

This story was written on Sunday, June 7th, 2020.

A/N Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks......

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