I Don't Know Who Zora Lane Is

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Danielle: Mary?

MaryKLago: What?

Danielle: Do you know someone by the name of Zora Lane?

MaryKLago: No. I don't know who she is.

Danielle: She knows you.

MaryKLago: I don't know her.

Danielle: You do.

MaryKLago: No, I don't. Will you stop it? I hardly ever met her.

Danielle: Vicky might know her.

ilovemybooks2000: I don't know Zora Lane, either, Danielle.

Danielle: What about you, Will?

Me: No.

Danielle: What about you, Ryan?

Ryan: Nope.

Danielle: Why doesn't anyone know Zora Lane?

This story was written on Tuesday, May 26th, 2020.

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