I Can Speak To Whoever I Want

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Me: *feels upset and stressed*

Betty: What's wrong, babe?

Me: Jose said I am not allowed to speak to Hispanic girls.

Betty: Who's Jose?

Me: Some guy from Connecticut.

Betty: Well, I'm Hispanic, and you're my friend. So, Jose doesn't know what he's talking about. Isn't he Hispanic, himself?

Me: Yes, he's Puerto Rican.

Betty: Don't listen to what he says okay? You can talk to me. And just know, I have nothing against black people.

Me: Thanks.

Betty: You're welcome, babe!

Danielle: Are you Mexican?

Betty: Mexican-American, Danielle. I was born in Arizona.

Danielle: Okay.

Betty: Yeah.

This story was written on Sunday, May 24th, 2020.

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