Writer's Block Wants To Go To Someone's Prom

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Writer's Block: I think I found myself a prom date.

Dana: Who?

Writer's Block: Her name is Sarah.

Dana: How do you know, she's your prom date?

Writer's Block: I snuck into this school, and asked her to be my prom date.

Dana: That's not gonna happen! Which school was this? And what's her last name?

Writer's Block: Anderson.

Dana: I'm gonna tell this Sarah Anderson, not to be your prom date! Number one, you don't even go to her school! And number two, you shouldn't be trespassing on school grounds! When is this prom?

Writer's Block: This Saturday night.

Dana: At Mountain Home High School?

Writer's Block: Yes.

Dana: I'm going over to that school, first thing in the morning, and tell Sarah, that she can find herself another guy to ask to the prom!

Writer's Block: Please don't!

This story was written on Monday, June 1st, 2020.

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