Forgetfulness Is Horrible At Math

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Dana: What's 2+2?

Forgetfulness: I don't know.

Dana: Wrong answer! I'm gonna ask you again. What's 2+2?

Forgetfulness: Um 8?

Dana: Nope!

Forgetfulness: 6?

Dana: Wrong answer!

Forgetfulness: 10?

Dana: The answer is 4, you moron! You need to study your math, F! You failed!

Forgetfulness: How can I fail?

Dana: You're gonna have a study sheet, F. You are to study all the math problems. Then, you will have to take a test. If you should fail, then you will never succeed in math. You don't even know how to count change.

Forgetfulness: Sure, I do. 1, 2, 3.....

Dana: Just shut up, idiot! You do that with pennies! I'm talking about quarters, nickels, and dimes! You are a straight A moron! Boy, do I feel embarrassed for you!

Forgetfulness: I'll do better, I promise.

Dana: Somehow, I'd like to believe that.

This story was written on Saturday, May 23rd, 2020.

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