The Memorial Day Cookout

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Danielle: Hurry up! I'm hungry!

CatyaLeeFrost: You have to wait. The food has just been put on the grill.

MaryKLago: *grilling the hot dogs and burgers*

Me: *drinking a Sprite*

Danielle: Don't you want to wait, till the food is done?

ButterflyWriter13: Quiet, Danielle. Mind your own business, and leave him alone.

Danielle: I was just asking him a question!

ilovemybooks2000: She said, be quiet!

Danielle: Will, answer my question, please!

tearfulsmile: What part of leave him alone, do you not understand?

Time skip....

Me: *eating*

Ryan: *eating*

Danielle: Will, answer my question!

Coltender75: Leave him alone!

Betty: Or, you're going in the casket!

Danielle: Whatever.

This story was written on Monday, May 25th, 2020. (Memorial Day)

A/N Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks, and Happy Memorial Day! 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘💖💖💖💖💖

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