Danielle You Better Mind Your Own Business!

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Danielle: What happened, Will? Did someone yell at you?

ilovemybooks2000: Don't be so nosy, Danielle! It's none of your business! You just worry about yourself? Ya get me?

Danielle: Yeah, sure. I bet someone yelled at him.

Charlie: Missy, are you death? Mind your own business! If anyone yelled at him, I'll deal with them!

Ryan: Count me in! Charlie and I will storm over to their house and kick the door down!

WriterSaige: I got you some Pizza Hut, honey! That should cheer you up.

Me: Thank you. *eats*

Danielle: Can I have some?

ilovemybooks2000: No, it's for Will! Let me have a few slices babe! *takes some*

Danielle: You ever heard about sharing?

Betty: Shut up, you're too annoying! Leave Will alone!

Ryan: And, stop sticking your nose, where it doesn't belong!

Danielle: Whatever.

This story was written on Tuesday, May 26th, 2020.

A/N Another story, to blow off some steam. I hate when I'm angry, and believe me, you wouldn't like it when I'm angry! 😠😠😠😠I'll be alright, though. Anyway, don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘😘😘😘😘❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘😘

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