Some Things You Don't Joke About

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Tina: I'm dying.

Me: Why?

Tina: I have cancer.

Me: Oh no!

Tina: Yup, I only have 3 months to live.

Me: Oh, I'm gonna miss you so much.

Tina: Joke! I don't have cancer! I'm fine, babe!

Me: What?! Why would you joke about something like that?! You had me so scared!

Tina: Babe, relax! It was a joke!

Me: That's not funny!

stormwhitaker: What's all the commotion?

Me: Tina joked that she was dying of cancer!

stormwhitaker: That's not cool, Tina!

Tina: It was a joke! How many times do I have to say it? Get over your bad self!

Me: Tina, I'm sorry, but this is where I draw the line. Some things are not meant to be joked about. And dying from cancer is one of them. There are boundaries, you know.

Tina: Babe, it was a joke. I don't have cancer, and I'm not gonna die. Harmless joke.

SakuraThePanzerOtaku: It was harmful, Tina! Dying is not a joke! And these people on Wattpad better understand! They could trigger someone for that!

Kayriss7: I heard everything! Tina, what you did to my cool dude, was uncalled for! A joke's a joke, but this nowhere near funny! Get in the casket! *hugs me* You okay, babe?

Me: Yes! *hugging Kris back*

Betty: *opens up the casket* Get in there!

Tina: Fine. *gets in the casket*

stormwhitaker: *closes it and sits on it*

This story was written on Sunday, May 24th, 2020.

A/N Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Based on a true story actually.

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