Typical Cartoon Violence

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AkoIvyXchan: *watching a cartoon*

Girl: *chasing a mouse* I'll get you, you stupid rodent!

Mouse: *runs into his mousehole*

Girl: *waits for the mouse to come back out*

Mouse: *comes out of the vent and whacks the girl with a mallet*

Girl: *out cold with stars floating over her head*

Mouse: *dumps a bucket of water over her*

Girl: *wakes up* Duh, which way did he go? Which way did he go?

Mouse: That way!

Girl: Thanks a lot!

Mouse: Not so fast! *whacks the girl again with the mallet, knocking her back out*

Girl: *out cold again with stars floating over her head*

Mouse: *eat some cheese*

The cartoon ends......

AkoIvyXchan: *laughing* This was a funny cartoon! The girl couldn't catch the mouse!

This story was written on Monday, June 8th, 2020.

A/N Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘❤😘❤😘❤😘❤😘❤😘❤❤😘😘❤😘❤😘❤😘❤😘❤😘❤😘😘❤😘❤😘❤😘❤😘❤😘❤😘❤

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