Emma Has A New Client

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Wethersfield, Connecticut

Shirlana: Emma, I understand you have a new client?

Emma: Yes, his name is Stan Barnes. He's from Coventry.

Shirlana: Hey, Stan! I'm Shirlana!

Stan: Hi, Shirlana! *shakes her hand* Nice to meet you!

Emma: Well, come on, Stan! We're going to Walnut Hill Park in New Britain!

Stan: Okay! You said something about a lunch this Friday?

Emma: Correct! The Little Rendezvous in Meriden. Ernie suggested it.

Stan: Alright, cool! How many people can it accommodate?

Emma: Not much, but it will be you, me, Ernie, William, Allie, and Christina. Mel and James don't want to go. They want to see a movie, instead. Paris is taking them.

Stan: Okay.

Emma: Also, Sean Greene, and Dave will be joining us.

Stan: Nice.

This story was written on Tuesday, June 9th, 2020.

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