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van's pov:
we don't say much in the car. we always seem to be sat in silence. maybe she's right. maybe we aren't meant to be together. i try not to focus too hard on it and keep my eyes on the road. i park the car and we step out, the crisp november air biting at our skin. i open the door to mine and larry's place and she steps in behind me.
"larry am home!" i shout, but to no response. he's probably gone down the pub or something.
"you want a cuppa?" i ask.
"sure." kath replies timidly.
we sit down on the sofa and put our teas down on the table. before a long silence hits us, i decide to speak. "tea alright?"
"perfect. thanks."
"right then what we gonna do kath?" our eyes meet. "i want to be with you. i want to love you and hold you. i want to be there for you kathleen."
"but-" she starts, when i feel something come over me and suddenly our lips are pressed against each other.
"shh" i respond.
we kiss for about 5 minutes. the best 5 minutes i've had in a long time. her lips were like gold to me. so precious, and god had i missed them.
"van, i... i should go," she stuttered.
"stay." i respond, grabbing her arm.
"van, i can't keep doing this," a tear runs down her face, leaving her cheek with a black mascara stain. "i love you van, but we never work. we just don't. it's not you or me, it's just fate. it's unfair to both of us to try and take our relationship somewhere it doesn't want to go. i'm sorry."
i almost feel as if i heard my heart break, then and there.
"listen kath if we want this we can-"
"make it work? how many times have we tried to make it work van? it never 'works'."
"we've got to try-"
"van how many times, how many goddamn times have we 'tried'? we're obviously just not meant to be. i wish we were, i wish to god we were!" she shouts, but her voice is muffled by tears.
"look, you've gotta listen to me kathleen." i start, a sternness in my tone. "do you love me?"
"of course i do van but-"
"well that's it then. we love each other kath, we can't deny it. and we have to keep trying. in the end it will work. we'll get married and go on a honeymoon. and we'll have a family. it will work, but only if we're both willing to try."
"ok. i trust you. i want to take things slow though. i don't think i can handle being hurt again." she replies hesitantly.
"listen to me, i will never hurt you again. i'll do whatever you want my love. i'll do anything for you. when i get rich and famous enough, i will give you the world." i gently place a kiss on her forehead.
"i love you." she says, her head against my chest.
"i love you too."

note: no kathleen part for this i don't think it's necessary lol 😌

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