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van's pov:
i still love her. i always have. whenever i'm on stage, singing those songs, i'm singing to her. and i mean every word of it. i feel a sudden urge to say something. i mean, how can i not? i've missed her so much, and i'd hate myself if i let her go again. my lips begin to move, although i wasn't ready to speak. "Kath" i start, waiting for her reply.

Kathleen's pov:
at this point, things are awkward, but it's a comfortable silence. i think that's because we used to be so close, small silences never bothered us. i check my phone to see if there's any updates on where my taxi is, when out of nowhere, i hear van's lips form a word. "Kath" he says. i want to think about this, but my mouth replies instantly with "Van", hoping he'll carry on speaking.

van's pov:
her reply makes it seem as if the conversation isn't going anywhere, so i try to make small talk.
"freezing innit", i say, eagerly waiting to hear her voice respond.
"yeah", she chuckles, "it is november after all." november. november. november the 19th. that's her birthday. what's the date? i think to myself, as i check my phone- the 19th. my mouth opens again,
"oh, happy birthday by the way," i say, with hesitation.
"thanks, surprised you remembered after all this time, and your whole new rockstar life" she said, almost with a chill in her tone of voice.
"my life isn't as glamorous as it seems, kath,"
"oh really, teenage girls chasing after you to sign posters of your face, oh how dreadful", she giggled, with a sense of sarcasm.
"well, when you're on a night out and you see pictures of you doing stupid stuff drunk, plastered all over social media, with thousands of likes, it's hardly good for the band" i went on, although feeling like these struggles had no sense of validation compared to hers.
"and besides", i start, wanting to stop, but my intoxicated brain would not. "how could i forget you?"

kathleen Where stories live. Discover now