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3 months later
kathleen's pov:
i fix my hair and clothes in the mirror, before going to sit down on van's sofa for my pre work cuppa. i had stayed over at van's the night before and luckily had decent clothes that i could wear to work left here from before.
"what time do you get off work love?" van asks me.
"6:30 i think." i respond, reaching for my diary from my bag, so i could double check. "yep 6:30."
"perfect," van starts "i'll pick you up after soundcheck and you can come to the gig."
"are you sure? i don't want to be too much trouble or anything." i reply, knowing that he'll insist on it anyway.
"i insist," i knew it. "you haven't been to one of our gigs in ages, you'll love it!"
"i've got high expectations now, better live up to them." i say, letting out a chuckle.
"trust me, i think we're better than oasis n arctics, me."
"oh really? don't think liam gallagher would be too pleased with that" i answer jokingly.
"ey, you're meant to agree, i'm your boyfriend not bloody liam gallagher!" he jokes as he nudges me.
we both let out a giggle and he pulls me in for a hug.
i let my head rest against his chest for a while.
"i love you kath."
"i love you van."
for once, things seem to be going well. me and van are together and we don't want to smash each other's head in yet kiss each other at the same time. we're just happy in each other's company.
i look up from van's chest and i'm greeted by the clock above the fireplace saying 10:50.
"oh my god it's 10 to, i'm gonna be late for work!" i say in a panic, fumbling around to get my stuff together.
"ey, ey calm down love, i'll drive you." he says, reassurance in his tone of voice.
"van you've driven me everyday this week i can't just keep expecting you to give me a lift to work."
"well you're late now so you don't really have much of a choice."
"ughhhh i 'spose."
i sigh in defeat and relief, defeat because van won but relief because i wouldn't be late to work. i get in the car first, waiting for van to lock the door. i hook my phone up to the aux and start playing 'sweater weather' by the neighbourhood. van opens the car door and slides into the driver's seat.
"i didn't know you liked this song!" he says, surprised, but excitement laced his voice.
"there's a lot you don't know about me van mccann." i half joke, but half of me is quite serious. there's a lot he doesn't know about me. i've changed since i was a teenager, growing up in llandudno. i'm an adult now, who lives in glasgow. to be fair i only live here because it's where i went to uni, but i don't know why van lives here. it's hardly glamorous LA.

we finish our karaoke session and van parks outside the bookstore.
"pick you up at half 6 then?" van asks
"if you insist." i reply.
"love you," he says, planting a kiss on my forehead.
"love you too," i reply, getting out of the car.
i grab my stuff from my locker, and turn to my co worker niamh.
"right i'm off," i start "van's picking me up so i can go to his gig," i say trying to hide the excitement in my tone.
"lovebirds," she replies sarcastically. mine and niamh's relationship is weird but fun. we constantly tease each other and get on each other's nerves but 10 minutes later we'll be having a laughing fit together.
"oh shut up, just because you're single,"
"blah blah blah," she mocks, holding her hand up mimicking my mouth.
"whatever, i'm out," i say, pushing the door.
"later loser," niamh shouts back.
i check my watch. 6:28. i'm a bit early. oh well, i can stand outside for 2 minutes. i lean against the wall of the bookstore for van's car to pull up.
2 minutes pass. 6:30. come on, give him a few more minutes, course he's not gonna be bang on time.
a few minutes pass. and a few more. and a few more. 6:48. i keep telling myself that he'll show up. he hasn't forgot has he? i pick up my phone to text him.
"where is ya?" i type and hit send. i eagerly await his reply, i'm getting cold now. nothing. and it starts chucking it down. great. just my luck. i take my phone out of my pocket again to call van. the line rings. no answer. i'm getting worried at this point, i'd normally get the bus but the last bus went 10 minutes ago.
i wait 10 more minutes. 6:59. this is getting ridiculous. he was the one who insisted on picking me up and taking me to the gig. did he forget or did he just decide he didn't want me to come anymore? maybe because he normally kisses girls in the bar after his gigs, like the first show of his i went to. i feel a tear run down my face and i decide to walk back to my flat.

van's pov:
"she knows what i think about, and what i think about, one love, two mouths, one love, one house."

i decide to cover sweater weather over the end of cocoon, for kath.
oh my god.
i was meant to pick her up. i look at my watch. 7:00.
"sorry lids i've gotta go. like now." i shout across the stage.
"van we've not soundchecked tyrants!" bondy shouts back at me.
"eh it'll be fine, i'll be back at twenty past."
"that's 10 minutes before the gig starts!" benji moans.
"i'll be back ok?"
i grab my jacket and run to my car. i get in and the rain hits against the windows heavily. i start going 50 in a 45. i know i shouldn't, especially when it's raining, but i need to know kath's ok. she probably hates me.
i pull up outside the bookstore, but she's nowhere to be seen. i reach for my phone to call her, when i realise i've had a message and two missed calls.
'2 missed calls: kath 6:59pm'
'kath: where is ya? 6:48pm'
i feel my heart drop.
i quickly call her back. no answer. i try again, and she picks up.
"kath love, i'm so sorry, i completely forgot. i feel terrible.
no reply
i hear her try to stifle a sob.
"why did you leave me van?" she says trying to choke back her tears.
"i promise you kath i didn't mean to, i'm so sorry. do you hate me?"
"i don't hate you. i'm just not really in the mood to talk right now. i'll speak to you later."
the line cuts off.
i punch the top of the dashboard out of frustration and let out a sigh.

kathleen Where stories live. Discover now