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van's pov:
i check my watch.
god, it's 3am. i need to go home. i stumble outside to go and get a taxi, and i can't help but notice someone's presence next to me. i cautiously look over my shoulder, it's a girl. she's got long dark hair and she's wearing a little red dress. she must be freezing, i think to myself.
my eyes move up to her eyes, our gaze interlocking. i study her for a few seconds and then i realise. it's her. Kathleen.

kathleen's pov:
my head hurts. my head hurts so bad. i don't know if it's because it's so late, because i'm so drunk or because i can't stop thinking about him. i haven't stopped thinking about him. since the day he left. it's 3am and i'm stood on the corner of sauchiehall, waiting for a taxi that won't come for another hour. i wish i was at home. as i watch my breath fade into the cold night, i feel a stare, fixated on me. i turn my head and... he's there. i feel my heart freeze over. he's right there. real, and vulnerable, not a rockstar, just a person. it's him. Van.

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