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A/N this is dedicated to SilverOakleaf for just being awesome and always commenting and voting! Keep on being awesome,SilverOakleaf ! Now On with the story.


Gilan threw his head back in frustration. Out of five shots, four had hit the target and one was stuck in the neighboring tree some 10 meters away. Halt, with his facial features and expressions hidden beneath the cowl of his cloak, was fast asleep.
Or maybe not.
"You must be planning on getting yourself killed soon. Is that right? Because if it is, your shooting could be a whole lot worse."

"Geez, Halt, anything nice to say?" Halt pondered this for a few seconds before saying, "No."
Back in the cabin, Halt told Gilan to go to his room and be quiet. When Gilan asked why, he got the personalized Halt look.
"Listen up! Crowley is coming and he doesn't know you're here! So get back there and be quiet!" Halt demanded in a forced whisper. Not asking the million questions that came to mind, he obeyed quickly.

"Halt, I need to have a word with you," Crowley, the Ranger Corp's Commandant said as the door creaked open.

"Well, hullo to you too, Crowley!" Halt replied, sounding slightly insulted. "I see your hair is just as gray as last time you were here! In fact, maybe less so."

"And you grow... Scruffier each year with that beard of yours." Crowley replied, with a tough if lighthearted humor.
An unspoken agreement passed between the two of them as Halt got up to fetch a pot for coffee.

"Oh, not right now, Halt, but thank you." Crowley said, wiping the sweat beading on his forehead. "I really must have a serious conversation with you."

Halt slowly turned around, an incredulous look on his face. "NO COFFEE?" He bellowed, and Crowley seemed to shrink in his chair. "Well, this must be a very important topic for there not to be time for coffee. I guess we better begin."

Gilan, watching from the cover of the dark doorframe had been watching their exchange with interest. What was so great about coffee, he did not understand. For Gilan had yet to learn the way of the Ranger.

The Way of the RangerWhere stories live. Discover now