22 | war

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record 22

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record 22...AUGUST 10

9:23 AM

THE CALL DROPS for the third time, ringing briefly before going to voicemail. Levi drops her hand in a mix of slight anger and disappointment. Giving up, she tucks the device in her pocket with a resigned sigh, gaze slipping to the building in front of the empty parking lot.

The public pool. It's gotten some renovations over the last few years that she hadn't known about. She usually avoids it no matter what but things change.

"I hate to rush you, but if my mom finds out that I took her car without permission I'll get into some serious trouble," Minni says from the steering wheel, wearing an apologetic grimace. Levi wipes her sweaty palms off on her jeans, taking slow breaths as she undoes the seat belt.

"Yeah, no problem. Thank you for this, really. I'll be in and out," she promises, hoping she sounds more courageous than she feels. She peeks over her shoulder at Cam in the backseat as he kicks his feet, playing around with Minni's phone. Levi looks back at Minni as she pushes the door open. "Watch him for me, yeah?"

"Of course."

The door to the pool is open even though it is not yet opening hours and the lot is vacant. It is hot and humid as she steps inside. Her heart does a small twist at the thought of the still waters. Ever since Maya was found washed up on the beach, Levi has avoided getting too close to water. Something about it just seems sinister now.

Her breath comes too fast as she stares at the biggest pool in the building. It spans almost the entire open space, casting a blue-green glow onto the floor. The deep end makes her especially nervous. Water. The fear of drowning. 

The only exception was the pier, the fond memories of Maya there outlive the bad ones.

Levi reminds herself to hurry, hastening her walk. She looks around the entire open space, but it is empty and void of Carla. The woman had texted her early in the morning, asking her to meet at the pool. Said she was doing some gardening work for the city, something she does regularly.

She draws out her phone once again and dials Carla's number. Once again, she gets no answer immediately, but she can hear it ringing, a dull chirping sound in the distance. Sighing, she follows it around a murky corner and into the shower room. Here, it is harder to hear, the sound of a shower on the far end echoing through the space. The phone's screen is lit up on a bench set before a row of lockers. It darkens, screen going black, as the call drops.

Levi groans. She doesn't have time for this, already feeling guilty for having wasted so much of Minni's. A few angry steps forward and she is on the other side of the closed curtains, Carla's signature brown strappy sandals abandoned on the white tiles.

Levi knocks on the wall impatiently. "Hey, Carla. I'm here. I bought Cam with me." When no answer comes, she increases the pace of her thumps. "Look, I've really got to go–"

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