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unknown ┊ ✯fei i am so glad youfinally gave me yournumber i was startingto think that u didn'tlike me :^(

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unknown ┊ ✯
fei i am so glad you
finally gave me your
number i was starting
to think that u didn't
like me :^(

✯ ┊ unknown
this isn't "fei"

unknown ┊ ✯

fei this isn't fucking

you don't have a good
enough sense of humor
to be making jokes.

✯ ┊ unknown
i think you have the
wrong number.

unknown ┊ ✯

but can we still talk?

i'm bored

✯ ┊ unknown
and i'm busy.

unknown ┊ ✯
damn alright sorry
read 1:26


shalnark peered over her shoulder to look at the girl's phone screen. "who're you texting?" he asked.

she yelped, dropping her phone in surprise. she placed a hand on her chest to calm her beating heart, looking up at him with a scowl. "jesus, shal! don't scare me like that."

his usual grin was plastered on his boyish face. "sorry." she knew he wasn't sorry. "so, who're you texting?" he repeated.

she sighed and picked her phone up from the floor, checking for any cracks on the screen. "it's nobody important. fei gave me the wrong fucking number." she shoved the device in her back pocket and turned to her friend. she stood on her tippy toes and wrapped her arms around his neck. "why can't you just give me his number?" she whined.

shalnark loosely put an arm around her waist. "because he doesn't want me to and it's very cute watching you get mad, y/n." she tried her hardest to ignore the butterflies in her stomach.

"i hate you."

he placed a kiss on the tip of her nose. "love you, too!"


[a/n: i've been reading a lot of textfics lately and i decided to write one because i'm a fucking clown 🤡 someone take away this app i spend too much time on it

[a/n: i've been reading a lot of textfics lately and i decided to write one because i'm a fucking clown 🤡 someone take away this app i spend too much time on it

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look at my man feitan with all that mf ass 🤤😋🙈💞💕 he's a whole meal bruh]

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