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hottest girlfriend ever 😩💦 ┊ ✯okay so i went to themall right

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hottest girlfriend ever 😩💦 ┊ ✯
okay so i went to the
mall right

cuz i had to get gifts

and i meant another
zoldyck sibling !!!

named kalluto !!!!!

he bought me
cinnabon :D

✯ ┊ hottest boyfriend ever 😩💦
what an odd experience
that must've been.

how did you even talk
to him?

killua says that kalluto
is very reserved.

hottest girlfriend ever 😩💦 ┊ ✯
i bumped into him and
said sorry and then he
looked at me for like a
minute straight while i
just stood there like 😐

then he asked if i wanted
anything from the mall
and that he would buy it
for me

weirdest thing that's
happened to me today
by far


i got food out of the
whole ordeal so :D

i also might disappear
within the next couple
days bc the way he
asked if i wanted stuff
gave me "this is your
last request" vibes 😃

✯ ┊ hottest boyfriend ever 😩💦
kalluto wouldn't kill

or at least i don't
think so.

but if he did he'd be
doing me a favor.

hottest girlfriend ever 😩💦 ┊ ✯
thank you for that 😃🔫

goodbye world i will
not miss you 😘

in my will i'm gonna
leave everything to
gon and killua 🥳

✯ ┊ hottest boyfriend ever 😩💦
stop being so

you aren't going to

but why wouldn't i
get anything?

hottest girlfriend ever 😩💦 ┊ ✯
cuz u SUCK

✯ ┊ hottest boyfriend ever 😩💦
real mature.

not that i would
want any of your
musty belongings

they'd probably
bring bugs to my

hottest girlfriend ever 😩💦 ┊ ✯
this is exactly why
you wouldn't get
anything 🙄

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