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unknown ┊ ✯hi stranger can we talk

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unknown ┊ ✯
hi stranger can we talk

✯ ┊ unknown
sure. i'm not busy.

unknown ┊ ✯
okay so i'm curious &
maybe just a lil bit nosy

how old are u??

✯ ┊ unknown
i'm 23.

unknown ┊ ✯
ew lmao ur old

✯ ┊ unknown
i'm only a year older
than your "friend"

unknown ┊ ✯
okay yeah but like a
year makes a big
difference sometimes

not in my case but
my point stands

✯ ┊ unknown
why do you say that?

unknown ┊ ✯
oh bc im turning 9teen
like,, tomorrow

and i'm still on the same
bullshit i was when i was
17 🤡🤡


kurapika looked at his phone with curiosity. nineteen? the age gap between them just shortened by a year. his first assumption was that they were barely eighteen. what else was he going to find out about them?


✯ ┊ unknown
we all make mistakes
when we're young.

happy early birthday,
by the way.

unknown ┊ ✯
thank u sexy 🙈✨💓💘

✯ ┊ unknown
please don't call me

unknown ┊ ✯
sucks to suck sis

unknown has changed unknown's
contact name to sexy bitch 🤤✨🙈💖😳!

✯ ┊ sexy bitch 🤤✨🙈💖😳
why do i put up with

unknown ┊ ✯
bc u likeee me ehehe

don't deny it i'm too
hot to not be liked

✯ ┊ sexy bitch 🤤✨🙈💖😳
first of all, no.

second, i don't even
know your name or
what you look like so
i can't determine either
of those things.

unknown ┊ ✯
okay well um lets fix
that bro

my name is y/n and
what i look like doesn't
concern u until u have
proven yourself not to
be a serial killer

and i'm a girl but idk
if that matters

if you're gay i totally
get it

sexy bitch 🤤✨🙈💖😳 has changed
unknown's contact name to y/n!

✯ ┊ sexy bitch 🤤✨🙈💖😳
nice to meet you, y/n.

i'm kurapika and i'm
a guy.

and no, i'm not gay.

y/n ┊ ✯
are you blond(e)?

your name sounds
like a blond(e)

✯ ┊ sexy bitch 🤤✨🙈💖😳
i am actually.

how did you know?

y/n ┊ ✯
i have magic powers

and um blond(e)s are
um totally my type

maybe we should,,,
me e t up 👉👈

✯ ┊ sexy bitch 🤤✨🙈💖😳
oh my god.

you're going to ask a
random stranger to
meet up with you just
because of their hair

what the hell is wrong
with you?

what if i was lying?

sexy bitch 🤤✨🙈💖😳 has changed
y/n's contact name to dumbass!

dumbass has changed
sexy bitch 🤤✨🙈💖😳's contact name
to my future husband 💅!

dumbass ┊ ✯
are you?

✯ ┊ my future husband 💅
no but still.

you shouldn't trust
strangers on the internet
so easily.

dumbass ┊ ✯
ok well um neither
should you

you gave me ur age,
name, and hair color

i could basically find
out everything about u

✯ ┊ my future husband 💅

i guess you're right.

perhaps you're the
serial killer.

dumbass ┊ ✯


pls don't divorce me
you haven't even
proposed 😿😿

✯ ┊ my future husband 💅
i don't plan on asking
you to marry me
anytime soon.

dumbass ┊ ✯
ok but like,,,

you didn't say you
never planned on

i think this is a win

✯ ┊ my future husband 💅
you're too much to

dumbass ┊ ✯
remember that when
our kids turn out the
same way 😼
read 4:20

babe don't leave me
on read :,(
read 4:20

skank 🤬😡🤬🤬

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