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✯ ┊ my future husband 💅how was yourbirthday?

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✯ ┊ my future husband 💅
how was your

dumbass ┊ ✯
omg u texted me first!!

guess birthday wishes
do come true :,)

but anyway it was fine

nothing too big

just some illegal
activities 😋

✯ ┊ my future husband 💅


the blond sighed in exasperation. sure, teens did dumb things all the time, but was y/n dumb enough to fess up to doing illegal things? he didn't know her well, if at all, but he didn't doubt it.

y/n, on the other hand, was not kidding. she got wasted and even went as far as snorting a line of coke off a stripper's ass. it was something straight out of a movie. shalnark wasn't too happy about it, but he didn't let her snort coke off his ass, so she had to go with the next best thing.


dumbass ┊ ✯
um def not

i would never do
anything illegal 😡

a close friend of mine
is a devout catholic
and he would never
allow such things to
occur when he's there

i'm an angel 😌


chrollo was the "devout catholic" in question. if he cared about her doing illegal things, then he wouldn't have given her the coke to begin with.


✯ ┊ my future husband 💅
that's believable.

dumbass ┊ ✯
of course it is 🙈

have i ever said
anything to make you
think otherwise

✯ ┊ my future husband 💅

dumbass ┊ ✯
like what????

✯ ┊ my future husband 💅
our first actual
conversation involved
premarital sex acts and
you proceeded to say
that you sold drugs with
a friend right after.

dumbass ┊ ✯
bruh you didn't have
to call me out smh 😔

and there's nothing
wrong with premarital
sex 🥴

✯ ┊ my future husband 💅
i didn't say there was.

dumbass ┊ ✯
kinda implied it but um
not the point

if we ever meet im
gonna premarital sex tf
outta you 🥰

only with your consent
of course

✯ ┊ my future husband 💅
i appreciate the fact
that you'd ask for my

you don't know what
i look like so how do
you know if you would
want to "premarital
sex tf outta me" as you
so vulgarly put it?

and what about your

i don't think he would
like that very much.

dumbass ┊ ✯
ofc always count on
me to ask for consent!

and idk i just feel like
somewhere deep in my
gut... ur hot

speaking of guts there's
no doubt you'll be in mine
eventually 😌

plus shal isn't anything to
worry about because he
isn't the boss of me

but why'd you bring him

are you......


omg how cute!!!!

my future husband 💅 has changed
dumbass' contact name to delusional

✯ ┊ my future husband 💅
i don't think that's
how you spell it.

but jesus christ you
are so forward.

delusional dumbass ┊ ✯
it's a meme sir 👁👄👁

& yes i am

&& ummmm lets not
ignore the fact that you
didn't deny anything!!!

ur gonna have my kids

(with ur consent)

delusional dumbass has changed
my future husband 💅's contact
name to future baby daddy 🥵!

✯ ┊ future baby daddy 🥵
if i deny it you're
just going to ignore
everything i say.

delusional dumbass ┊ ✯
totally not true luv


y/n set her phone down on the kitchen counter and went to the bathroom for a quick break. shalnark didn't want to look, but seeing the contact name pop up on the screen filled him with curiosity. "'future baby daddy'?" he asked himself quietly. "who the hell is that?"

as far as shalnark was aware, y/n didn't have a boyfriend because she liked him. her little crush on him was painfully obvious to everyone in the phantom troupe, even the ones that lacked emotional intellect.

before he could type in her password to read through their messages, she came back.

"what are you doing with my phone?" she asked.

"i didn't know you had a boyfriend."

she blushed, rushing over to try and get her phone. he used his height to his advantage and held it above their heads and out of her reach. "don't tell me you're jealous, shal."

he pouted childishly and y/n felt her heart skip a beat. "is there a reason i should be?"

"no, but—"

"exactly!" he shoved her phone into her chest and she barely had a chance to catch it before it fell. "no one can take you away from me, y/n."

she found herself nodding. "y-yeah."

he pulled her into a hug and she hesitantly wrapped her arms around him. y/n wondered if kurapika was possessive the same way shalnark was.


delusional dumbass has changed
future baby daddy 🥵's contact name
to kurapika!

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