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"killua! help!"

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"killua! help!"

"whatcha need, y/n?"

"kurapika said he wants to meet!"

"really? like, he actually said that?"

"why do you sound so surprised?"

"because the day gon and i were at his house, we told him to tell you that and he told us to shut up and eat our sandwiches."

"weren't you guys over at his house, like, two days ago?"

"yeah. i wonder why he changed his mind."

"huh. maybe it's because i told him i liked him."

"holy shit, you did?"


"you actually like him?"

"is there a reason i shouldn't? he kind of sucks sometimes, but—"

"no, no, you should definitely like him. i'm just surprised. i didn't think anyone would be able to look past... him."

"you know, he's actually not that bad! he's gotten nicer, i think."

"oh wow. he must be head over heels for you."

"geez, is he that bad?"

"pft, definitely not. kurapika's an angel. a gift from above, or whatever. if he were a business on yelp, i'd leave at least a two and a half star review."

"that's not very high."

"okay, i'll round it up to three stars."

"why not five?"

"he's a bitch sometimes, sometimes being an understatement. you know, the first time we contacted you via kurapika's phone, he kicked gon and i in the back of the knee to try and get his phone back. who does that to some poor, defenseless children?"

"defenseless my ass! you're what, sixteen? and you look like you could bench press kurapika and i at the same time! maybe even gon. i'm surprised you didn't throw him across the room or something."

"damn! i didn't even think of that. thanks for the tip!"

"oh hell no. i refuse to be the reason kurapika ends up in a hospital. anyway, back to me and my problems!"

"conceited much?"

"conceited lots."

"okay, okay, why did you need my help?"

"i asked him where we should meet, right?"


"he said at his house! and we're supposed to be meeting next week and i don't know if i should wear something that gives off 'let's have sex' vibes or what!"

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