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unknown ┊ ✯hey fake fei

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unknown ┊ ✯
hey fake fei

can i ask you a vv
important question

✯ ┊ unknown
why did you text
me again?

unknown ┊ ✯
bc i need the help of
a friend but i don't
have any friends my
age and other than
being a lil bit of a dick
you seem chill 🙈✨

✯ ┊ unknown
sure, i guess.

i'm always willing to
lend an ear.

unknown ┊ ✯
i'll keep that in mind

ok but anywhore

so i have this like um
friend right

and he's super cute, vv
funny, totally hot, totally
my type right

did i mention hot?

don't think i did

anyway he's hot right

and i live with him right
bc i'm like literally fuckin
homeless and he offered
me a place to stay right


i kinda wanna suck his
IS that i um don't wanna
ruin our friendship bc he's
like super important to me
and i think i'd actually uh
die if he left me

✯ ┊ unknown
that's a lot to digest.

the way you type gives
me the impression that
you're very young but
the "problem" at hand
seems very... mature.

how old are you?

unknown ┊ ✯
this doesn't seem like
good information to be
giving to a stranger but
fuck it lmaoo

i'm 8teen 😳

and in case ur not a
weird ass creepy ass
ugly ass musty ass
dusty ass nasty ass old
man that's going to stalk
and kill me

that means i'm legal 🤪

✯ ┊ unknown
you're awfully young.

how old is your...


unknown ┊ ✯
22 like that taylor swift

✯ ┊ unknown
that's mildly concerning.

what business do you
have hanging around
someone that's four years
older than you?

unknown ┊ ✯
we sell drugs together :)


haha... unless 😳😳

nah i kid i kid

ummmm anywayssss can
you help me with my issue

it's super important

✯ ┊ unknown
in my honest opinion, i
think you should refrain
acting on your feelings.

not only is it concerning
that you're living with
someone who is older
than you by almost five
years when you're barely
legal and the fact that you
said you'd be homeless if
he hadn't let you stay with
him, but if you're worried
about losing him as a friend
then maybe it's best to keep
things to yourself for now.

unknown ┊ ✯
ok ok i get what ur
saying but hear me out

he's hot and he has rlly
pretty eyes and i think he
might feel the same way?

like he shows me affection
n shit sometimes 👉👈

just like,,, yesterday he gave
me a kith on the nose


that means something right

tell me i'm right pls

✯ ┊ unknown
this entire situation looks
like a recipe for disaster.

he could be manipulating

young teens are always
susceptible to being taken
advantage of by adults.

unknown ┊ ✯
thanks for the advice.

✯ ┊ unknown
you're welcome.
read 11:54


[a/n: so umm in case y'all cannot tell,,, i think shalnark is hot. BUT hisoka will always be the number one hoe in my heart ❤️

i'll be writing hisoka's name here tonight 🙈🙈❤️😋❤️❤️💕💖💖💘💓💜💜🤍💝❤️]

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i'll be writing hisoka's name here tonight 🙈🙈❤️😋❤️❤️💕💖💖💘💓💜💜🤍💝❤️]

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