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✯ ┊ rude ass bitch 😤y/n

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✯ ┊ rude ass bitch 😤

please shut the fuck up ┊ ✯
yes daddy das me 😌

✯ ┊ rude ass bitch 😤
do you really like me?

like actually?

please shut the fuck up ┊ ✯
sorry i don't remember
saying that so it didn't
happen ://

✯ ┊ rude ass bitch 😤

you're going to use my
own words against me?

please shut the fuck up ┊ ✯



i've taught you well 🥰

but yes yes i am

sucks to suck 😤

✯ ┊ rude ass bitch 😤
don't avoid the

please shut the fuck up ┊ ✯
girl if ur lactose
intolerant... just
tolerate it 🙄

✯ ┊ rude ass bitch 😤

please shut the fuck up ┊ ✯
she like papi 🧔 i adore
you 🤤💦 i'm like baby i
ain't normal 😈 grrr 🐯
foreigner! 💕 foreigner!
💕 foreigner! 💕

✯ ┊ rude ass bitch 😤

i'm trying to have a
serious conversation
with you.

please shut the fuck up ┊ ✯
this is for rachel you big
fat white nasty smelling
fat bitch why you took
me off the motherfucking
schedule with your trifling
dirty white racist ass you
big fat bitch oompa loompa
body ass bitch i'm coming
outside and i'm going to
beat the fuck out of you
bitch and don't even call
the police today because
i'm gonna come unexpected
and wait on yo motherfucking
ass bitch i'm going to beat
the fuck out of you bitch
cause you did that on
purpose with your aundry
racist white ass danhard bitch
watch i'm coming bout to fuck
you up bitch i'm telling you
watch i know what kind of
car you drive i'm gonna wait
on you and i'm gonna beat
yo ass bitch cause i'mma
show you not to play with
jasmine's money bitch that's
the first thing you did and
you got me fucked up cause
bitch i told you what the
fuck was going on you white
motherfuckers hate to see
black people doing good or
doing good anything for their
motherfucking selfs ugly fat
white bitch watch i'm telling
you i'm coming outside beat
yo motherfucking ass danhard
smelly white dog smelling ass
bitch watch i'll come and fuck
you up cause you got me
fucked up we see you trynna
do that old audnry ass shit
bitch you aundry the first day
i came up there talking about
a bitch who had pajamas but
you walking around here wearing
those 10$ ass jeans on dirty
dusty white bitch sitting up
behind that counter smelling
like cheese bitch stinky fat
white ass bitch are you gonna
not try to answer this phone i'm
coming to fuck you up i'm
telling you you better remember
who i am cause bitch you gonna
run when you see me cause i'm
gonna fuck you up bitch you
wanna sit here and play with me
about my motherfucking
money wanna play about
my motherfucking money
bitch wanna sit up there
and try to do that bitch little
do you know little do you
know i know enough people
watch i'm coming to fuck
you up i promise you
that i promise you i'm coming
to fuck you up you fat stinky
white bitch danhard yellow yuck
mouth nasty mouth ass bitch
you stink you smell like fucking
cheese you got that trifiling ass
attitude i'mma beat that attitude
up out you bitch watch you treat
everybody like that all these black
people that you do like that you
in the wrong position you trifling
ass racist ass bitch that's why
nobody fuck with you you trifling
and you racist bitch should've fine
did all that shit when i told you
what the fuck going on gonna
tell me i worked at that
motherfucking job when i telling
you the fuck i didn't bitch why
the fuck would i lie about shit
like that watch i finna come
outside and beat yo motherfucking
ass you better not get out that
motherfucking car bitch i'm
telling you fucking bitch.

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