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"guys, i think that's her!" gon exclaimed, pressing his face against the window in order to get a better view

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"guys, i think that's her!" gon exclaimed, pressing his face against the window in order to get a better view. "woah! she drives a mercedes? wait. pika, didn't you have a mailbox?"

kurapika stopped in his tracks, his eyebrows furrowing. "is it not there—"

the doorbell rang and they all paused, looking at each other as if to say "who's going to open it?" leorio was the first to regain his senses, pushing kurapika towards the door with a friendly shove. gon and killua giggled, unable to hide their excitement about meeting kurapika's not-so-mystery girl.

kurapika opened the door reluctantly, his vision zeroing in on y/n's smiling face. is she glowing? it felt like those cheesy scenes in movies when the protagonist saw their love interest for the first time; the background faded and kurapika saw nothing but her. his breath got caught in his throat and when he made no move to welcome her in, killua pushed him out of the way.

"y/n! sorry, he's a little star-struck right now, but he'll get over it," he said, beckoning her inside.

she stepped in and removed her shoes. in her arms, she held four bags, all decorative and bright to the point where it hurt to look at them for too long. her expression changed from happy to sheepish in a matter of seconds. she bit her lip and looked at kurapika. "i can't believe this is our first official meeting and one of the first things i'm going to say to you is that i ran over your mailbox! i promise i'll replace it, though!"

that snapped kurapika back to reality. "you ran over my mailbox? it's not even in range to get hit! who taught you how to drive?"

her nose scrunched and it reminded kurapika of an animal, but in a cute way. "well, shalnark tried to teach me once, but he gave up after our first lesson, so i resorted to video games—mainly gta. smart, right?"

"do you have your license?" asked leorio, clearly concerned for the safety of everybody on the road.

"nope!" she chirped. "i've been driving illegally since i was fifteen. who needs a license when you can just not get caught? plus, i have friends that the government is scared of, so i'm sure i'd be fine if i got pulled over. just kill the person who pulled me over, you know? keep my record squeaky clean!"

the group sweatdropped at her response. "that was a joke, right?"

"why would i joke about that?"

"this is worse than i anticipated," muttered kurapika.

"stop lying, pika! didn't you just say that you were about to throw—"

"no i did not!"

"—up because you were so nervous?"

y/n swooned, dropping the bags she had and rushing to grab both of his hands in hers, all mentions of the previous conversation topic forgotten. the sparkles in her eyes and the warmth of her hands made his heartbeat speed up in a way he was sure was a legitimate cause of concern. "did you really say that?" she asked expectantly.

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