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y/n wiped the snot from under her nose with a tissue. "okay, i don't hate you and i don't hope you choke but what you said the other day really hurt my feelings and—"

"woah. slow down, please?"

she took a deep breath and started over. "i don't hate you. i don't hope you choke," she repeated slowly. "you got that part, right?"


"what you said the other day really hurt my feelings."

silence ensued and y/n thought that kurapika may have fallen back asleep. "are you crying?"

"i was, but that's not the point! the point is that you must have a whole lot of fucking audacity to have said all the shit that you did! yes, i'll admit that i was being a little bitch and it was partially my fault but that didn't warrant your reaction. there's this thing called 'leaving people on read', genius. you know what? you've actually left me on read before! i know you probably don't give a shit about anything that i'm saying right now, but guess what? i don't care because i'm going to tell you a—"


"i'm not done! like i was saying, i'm going to tell you anyway. first of all, i don't even fucking have twitter because i don't even know how it works, so i can't possibly be an astrology hoe. the closest association i have to astrology is the fact that i know that there's like, at least six stars in the sky, so kiss my big fat ass. even if i was an astrology hoe, what's the fucking problem with that? huh? maybe i want to blame my actions on how the planets are in gatorade or whatever the fuck it is that they say!

second, i don't have a fucking onlyfans either! i don't need validation, money, or praise from strangers online, okay? just from the people i know! third, i don't have a private snapchat, or snapchat in general because it fucking sucks and if you're still using it in this day and age, you're probably pushing thirty. i'll have you know, i am not thirty. i am a youthful girl full of life and even if i did have an onlyfans or a private snapchat, anybody would be lucky to see me naked!" y/n exhaled and plastered a confident smile on her face even though he couldn't see it. "okay, i'm done. speak."

"i'm—" if kurapika was bothered about being commanded to speak like a dog, y/n didn't give him a chance to complain.

"sorry to interrupt again, but i have one more thing to add." y/n's voice dropped down to a whisper as she brought her phone closer to her mouth. "if shal doesn't like me, it is not just because of how i act. in the years that i've known him, i've given him a plethora of other reasons to dislike me." she moved the phone back to her ear. "okay, okay, i think i'm finally done for real this time. now you can talk, kurapika."

"are you sure?"


"y/n, i'm really sorry about everything i said. i know there's no excuse for it..." y/n's jaw dropped upon hearing kurapika say more than five words. goddamn, his voice is hot as fuck, she thought. i know he's apologizing or whatever and i should be listening to him, but i'm kind of turned on. i just know he's packing. she bit her tongue to keep from giggling.

kurapika calling her name brought her back to reality. "hm? yeah, i'm listening. actually, no i'm not. can you repeat like, everything you just said?"

she heard an exasperated sigh. "to summarize, i said i was sorry and that there's no excuse for my actions. i was having a rough day and i took it out on you and that was unfair. this apology comes from the most sincere parts of my being."

y/n gave a satisfied hum. "i guess your apology is accepted, so now it's my turn! i'm sorry for being such an annoying loser. i shouldn't have pushed you away when you checked up on me even though you absolutely did not have to do that."

"it's fine, and you aren't as annoying as you think you are. there's a certain charm to your odd ways."

"see, i knew you'd come around! i'm irresistible!" she thought it was appropriate to continue with her advances since they just reconciled.

"can we start off on a fresh page? or would you rather me never speak to you ever again?"

"oh wow! truly a gentleman, kurapika. let's start off on a fresh page because you can't get away from me that easily! you'll be falling in love with me all over again in no time."

"good night, y/n."

"good night!"

she was about to end the call when she heard him mumble "i'd subscribe to your onlyfans" almost inaudibly. he hung up before she got the chance to confirm whether or not she'd imagined it.

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