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y/n nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard her phone ring

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y/n nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard her phone ring. her eyebrows furrowed, wondering who could be calling her. i swear if it's another spam call from some random ass place i'm going to throw my phone away. she set down her rag, picking the phone up off the kitchen table. she answered immediately when she read the contact name.

"hey, sexy!"

"dude, you call him 'sexy'?"

"this is most definitely not kurapika."

"um, duh. it's killua!" a voice further away added "and gon!"

"oh my god, hey guys! it's so nice to not really officially meet you! so, uh, what are you doing with kurapika's phone?"

"oh, we just wanted to talk to you for a bit before he gets out of the shower and tries to take his phone back. you don't mind, right?"

"of course not. you guys seem fun as fuck to talk to."

"that's because we are. did you get my follow request on instagram? or did i stalk the wrong person?"

"oh shit, that was you? you're a zoldyck? dude, are you fucking rich or what?"

"duh! but i like to piss my parents off, so i just blow money on whatever."

"what a badass little dude, dude. so are you, like, gon's sugar daddy or what's up with that?"

"no, he's not my sugar daddy. killua only ever spends his money on chocolate!" y/n could hear the pout in gon's voice.

"aw, that fuckin' sucks. you know what? you can just go to seeking arrangements and get a sugar daddy there! i went on there, like, last year and i was making everybody's pockets hurt, bro."

"don't tell him about that! he's a freaking minor!"

"oh fuck, i forgot about that. you know what, forget everything i just said. gon, if you go on there, i'm going to fight you so freaking hard. where the hell is leorio when you need him?"

"he left us at kurapika's while he went to class. he said he doesn't trust us to not burn down his house because we wanted grilled cheese sandwiches, so we're waiting for pika to make them for us."

"a man that can cook? sign me the fuck up."

she heard giggling. "yeah, he's totally boyfriend material. the whole package, as one would say. you should, like, totally date him. you know, you should follow me on instagram! i have a picture of all of us when we went to the beach last month."

y/n didn't respond, opting to open instagram and accept the recent follow request from "killubaezoldyck". she sent her own request that was immediately accepted. scrolling through his pictures, she was shocked to find out that they were the kids that left hot topic that one day at the mall. "you guys are so cute! i love that selfies of you and gon are practically the only thing i can see. oh, i think i found that picture you were talking about." y/n's phone almost slipped out of her hand. "holy fucking shit. please tell me that's not kurapika."

embarrassment coursed through every vein in her body. kurapika was the dude she'd been thirsting over for the past month? she wasn't sure if she was lucky or unlucky.

"why? do you think he's ugly?"

"um, definitely fucking not. dude, i've seen you guys before!"


"yeah! at the mall last month! you and killua walked out of hot topic and leorio and kurapika were standing outside of the store waiting for you. me and kurapika made eye contact!"

"first of all, it's 'kurapika and i'. second, that was you? bro, he told us about that! he said some rando was looking at him all weird and that it was making him uncomfortable."

"damn, sorry i'm stupid. and some rando? that's so rude! he can't talk about his future wife like that! you have to show him my picture! he needs to know that i'm the beauty he saw!"

"no way! we're lucky he doesn't look at his call log or we'd be screwed right now. he can't find out about this conversation, bro."

"ugh, fine! but—"

"he's coming downstairs. bye, y/n!"

the call ended and y/n was left in silence again. "okay, y/n, let me get this straight," she mumbled to herself. "you went to the mall, right? yes. a few weeks later, you texted someone you thought was fetian. that person was definitely not feitan, because it was kurapika. you've talked to kurapika a few times, right? right. okay, you saw an attractive person at the mall. you've been thinking about them since you saw them. plot twist, it was fucking kurapika. kurapika is super pretty and his voice is even prettier. does that even make sense? am i missing something? is kurapika my soulmate? i think so."

y/n squealed, throwing herself down onto a chair with a huge smile on her face. "this is definitely a sign."

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