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✯ ┊ kurapikaare you okay?

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✯ ┊ kurapika
are you okay?

you haven't texted me
anything annoying in a

delusional dumbass ┊ ✯
omg ur actually worried?

das cute 🥰

but i'm fine lmao.

i've just been busy.

✯ ┊ kurapika
are you sure?

i'm pretty good at
reading tones over
text and you sound

did something

delusional dumbass ┊ ✯
thank you for caring
but i'm fine.

✯ ┊ kurapika
no you aren't.

you're using periods
at the end of your

that's my thing.

delusional dumbass ┊ ✯
oh wow i didn't know
u owned periods 🤨

✯ ┊ kurapika
well apparently i do.

but don't change the

delusional dumbass ┊ ✯
bruh i'm fucking fine

we've had like literally
three conversations so
far you have no need to
be prying into my life

just mind your own
business dude

✯ ┊ kurapika
are you forgetting that
two out of those three
conversations involved
you TELLING me about
your personal life when
i didn't ask?

you should be thankful
that someone is willing
to listen to the bullshit
you're spewing.

if you act the same way
in person that you do
over the phone i'm not
surprised that your friend
doesn't like you back.

delusional dumbass ┊ ✯
are u fucking kidding
me right now?

that was so uncalled

✯ ┊ kurapika
your attitude is the
only thing uncalled for.

i'm just trying to make
sure you're okay.

delusional dumbass ┊ ✯
so you do that by
insulting me?

✯ ┊ kurapika
you call it insulting
but i call it the truth.

delusional dumbass ┊ ✯
you don't even fuckin
know anything about

you can't determine
whether or not that's
the truth

✯ ┊ kurapika
you don't seem like
a difficult person to
figure out.

your personality reads
like those twitter
astrology hoes who
have nothing more to
do than link their
onlyfans and think
that they're entitled to
financial compensation
for being alive despite
their looks being average
at best, having no talent,
and bringing nothing to
the table other than
nudes somebody leaked
off their private snapchat.

delusional dumbass ┊ ✯
holy shit

go fuck yourself.

✯ ┊ kurapika
am i wrong?

or are you just mad
that i called you out
before you had the
chance to link your
onlyfans too?
read 7:38

delusional dumbass has
blocked kurapika!

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