"Cindy Archman, 24 years old.... A mafia boss's girl? Oooooh~ Look T she's a bitch." Luciano turned her phone screen, showing a man with black hair the screen and he smirked sadistically. "Let's make this one quick and easy... But untraceable, not that we'd need it to be buuut let's just make sure." the male scoffed as he glanced at the picture of the woman in disgust.
"Slut" they thought in unison.
Quiet footsteps echoed across the cracked pavement as a tall, lean man with dirty black hair talked with the woman beside him, their conversation although being business related was steering into a rather flirtatious detour, at least from the man's side. The woman however, was eating his seemingly flirty gestures up and giggling at him being a 'bad boy' as they walked together in the sun moonlight.
"Say Cindy....? How about you and me hit the clubs?" The man suggested slyly, a lopsided grin on his face that screamed he was up to something but alas he was one of those demons, a charmer. Cindy smiled widely, a little spring in her step as she peered up at the man and batted her lashes suggestively "We could do that... Or we could just get to the fun part" she said, trying to be seductive as she trailed her hand up his chest, earning a shiver from the man.
"Come on, please? It'll be way better if we're drunk" The man frowned a little and the girl swooned, once more at the littlest thing he did. He bit back an eye roll.
They entered the club and Cindy immediately went over to the bar "Tidas," a soft but monotone voice spoke up causing the man to turn his head to look into the eyes of a woman, a wide grin making its way onto his face as he recognized her "Luci!" He said happily as he then hugged her tightly "After this mission why don't we catch up?" She chuckled and patted his back, still not liking to be embraced but making the man an exception. "Over a deck of cards and cash?" Tidas questioned while arching an eyebrow, looking at the woman who was shooting shot after shot of spiked drinks down her throat, which each drink her form swayed until she was leaning on the counter for support.
"You know it, asshole"
The two watched the woman, amusement written all over their faces as she turned her body and started walking back towards Tidas. Luciano did a two finger salute to the already annoyed male and disappeared into the sea of drunks. "Come on Ti-Di~!" Cindy slurred as she grinned up at the man, rubbing her hands on his chest. Tidas inwardly cringed at the woman touching him and the nickname as his sister from another mister burst into a fit of laughter. "I knew it!" Luciano thought as Tidas turned his head and glared in her direction, promoting her to laugh harder. He grabbed Cindy's hands and led her out of the club as she stumbled and giggled stupidly along the way, Luci leaving the club and following them 10 minutes later, already receiving information about her new client.
"H-hey! What are you mmphff-!!" A female voice shrieked, Luciano spun around and ran in the opposite direction where she heard the commotion coming from. Her blood started boiling as she saw a drunk man forcing himself on a young girl. She took a running start as she ran and send her foot into his ribs, him howling out in pain and flying into a nearby wall. She grabbed the crying girl's hand comfortingly and pulled her into a hug, glaring murderously at the man "Hey, hey... Shhh it's alright, he won't touch you anymore. I promise" She cooed softly as the girl quivered and hugged her tightly "T-thank you! Thank you!" She cried into Luci's shirt.
"Do you have your phone on you?" Luci asked the girl as she nodded slightly, Luci rubbed her back "Call your mum kiddo..." She said and the teen shakily pulled out her phone and dialed her mother's number and after a few minutes of her just crying and stammering Luci took the phone gently and explained the situation to her mother and told her to come for her.
"Thank you miss, thank you so much." The mother said once she arrived as she held her shaking daughter in her arms "It's no problem" Luci said and waved them off, ushering the two to leave and they nodded, getting into their car and driving off. She couldn't put her finger on it but she'd seen the woman somewhere before yet shrugged it off. Luci cracked her knuckles as she walked to the perverted goon and gripped his collar just as he regained some type of consciousness and with a sadistic look in her eye she hauled him closer to the road, turning invisible she threw him onto the road and stepped onto him and kept him in place, a sick grin finding her face as a speeding and swerving car came at them. She jumped over the car, prompting the man to get up quickly out of reflex and the car to hit him, splattering guts and blood onto the car and the road. Luci snickered softly before dusting herself off and walking to where Tidas and Cindy went, finding a decent sized building and watching as she turned visible. Tidas dipped lower at Cindy's form, Cindy thought he was going to take her in the alleyway.
Tidas chuckled softly as the bullets entered Cindy's heart and her body fell onto it's knees then onto it's side, he turned and looked up at where Luci was and grinned, earning one in return from the woman "Nice job partner, soon this state will have no more rapists" He said as Luci swung her legs over the edge and jumped off the building, Tidas catching her then setting her on her feet.
"We do bad to do good."
"And we are bad for the right reasons"

His Demoness Princess (MEGA HIATUS)
FantasyLuciano Pavoretti, a 21 year old, demon. She just wants to leave her past behind and find love, her forever mate. ================================================================ Luciano sat with her legs crossed, she watched Mineka and her friends...